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VONHARRIS 01-26-11 05:00 AM

U-108 update
Kapitanleutnant von Harris
Current command: U-522 IXC
Position : BF77 heading south for DT34
Date : August 11 1941

Patrols : 14
Days at sea: 383
Merchants sunk : 114
Tonnage : 507736
Warships sunk : 14 (4 x Cl 4 x Aux 1 x small depot ship 3 x Tribal 1 x Flower 1 x Black swan)
Tonnage : 112300
Aircrafts downed : 5 (4 x Swordfish 1 x Kingfisher)
Crew losses : 4 men

the.terrabyte.pirate 01-26-11 08:08 AM

The valiant crew of the U-13 (Type IID) are heading home from patrol 17. It was the most successful patrol to date. Second patrol out of Lorient, which means that the U-13 is starting to play havoc with convoys on the West coast of the UK rather than hunting single ships along the East coast.

December 19, 1940

Small Merchant, 2,245 t (individual ship)
Large Merchant , 10,121 t (convoy)
Large Cargo, 7,181 t (convoy)
Modern Tanker, 8865 t (convoy)
Whale Factory Ship, 12016 t (same convoy, 2nd attack)

5 ships sunk from 5 eels, and that's with realistic sinking times and duds enabled. :rock:The entire crew are well pleased, as we've demonstrated that our little dog has a big bite.

I'm determined to see out the war in a Type II. I'm also about to move into 1941 for the first time. :o

reignofdeath 01-26-11 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by the.terrabyte.pirate (Post 1582942)
The valiant crew of the U-13 (Type IID) are heading home from patrol 17. It was the most successful patrol to date. Second patrol out of Lorient, which means that the U-13 is starting to play havoc with convoys on the West coast of the UK rather than hunting single ships along the East coast.

December 19, 1940

Small Merchant, 2,245 t (individual ship)
Large Merchant , 10,121 t (convoy)
Large Cargo, 7,181 t (convoy)
Modern Tanker, 8865 t (convoy)
Whale Factory Ship, 12016 t (same convoy, 2nd attack)

5 ships sunk from 5 eels, and that's with realistic sinking times and duds enabled. :rock:The entire crew are well pleased, as we've demonstrated that our little dog has a big bite.

I'm determined to see out the war in a Type II. I'm also about to move into 1941 for the first time. :o

I dont know if youll make it past radar mate :D But at any rate good luck!! :yeah: Im partial to the VIIs I dont really like the IXs. Only for Torpedo room and extra fuel. Ugh. They look like pregnant cows :nope: and manuever like molasses in January :nope::nope:

Obltn Strand 01-26-11 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by the.terrabyte.pirate (Post 1582942)
The valiant crew of the U-13 (Type IID) are heading home from patrol 17. It was the most successful patrol to date. Second patrol out of Lorient, which means that the U-13 is starting to play havoc with convoys on the West coast of the UK rather than hunting single ships along the East coast.

December 19, 1940

Small Merchant, 2,245 t (individual ship)
Large Merchant , 10,121 t (convoy)
Large Cargo, 7,181 t (convoy)
Modern Tanker, 8865 t (convoy)
Whale Factory Ship, 12016 t (same convoy, 2nd attack)

5 ships sunk from 5 eels, and that's with realistic sinking times and duds enabled. :rock:The entire crew are well pleased, as we've demonstrated that our little dog has a big bite.

I'm determined to see out the war in a Type II. I'm also about to move into 1941 for the first time. :o

That's a good catch for a canoe:salute:
Many patrols with those tiny subs and my personal best is four ships for about 25 000 tons.

40 428 tons:o

But with what realism % ?

the.terrabyte.pirate 01-26-11 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Obltn Strand (Post 1583150)
That's a good catch for a canoe:salute:
Many patrols with those tiny subs and my personal best is four ships for about 25 000 tons.

40 428 tons:o

But with what realism % ?

I'm normally about the same, but in this instance the stars aligned. Originally the 5th eel was a coup de grace for any one of the previous merchies that didn't sink on their first hit, but all three went down within 20 minutes or so. That left me with one eel left, and some tempting targets that I didn't see the first time. I honestly thought that the whale factory ship was too big for one eel only, and I'd be better off using it on the large cargo or ammo ship, but I figured I'd go with it anyway as a learning experience. 25 minutes later she's sinking too.

I think I'm about 90% realism. Everything is switched to realistic apart from map contacts and the external camera (used only for watching sinking ships or my u-boat) I use manual targetting, no weapons officer assistance, realistic sinking times etc. GWX 3.0

gazpode_l 01-26-11 08:22 PM

OK admitted NOT the campaign but am easing myself back into things via the naval academy missions before going bk to my campaign, poss end of this week early next, may even be sailing tomorrow night......... (thurs) :hmmm:

PS havent played SH3 campaign since last may I think!! :o

Gryffon300 01-27-11 12:38 AM

So, where's my bloody Knight's Cross then??!!
Look, I know all you shiny-pants mob at BdU might have it in for me since the "Konigsberg Incident", and I may have got a bit hot under the collar in talking to you about it (as per my telegram ), but, where the Hell is MY Knight's Cross, eh!? Have I not more than redeemed myself? I mean, it wasn't like Prien going into Scarpa to get the Royal Oak was unique!

Look, I already told you all about taking out the Southhampton AND a troopship in Dover, and then backing it up with a raid on Calais to take out two big tankers and a couple of medium marchants. On my third cruise - our first war patrol! I don't care that the large tanker was a neutral - the schwein should have known better than to be feeding the Frogs fuel!

OK, OK well what about the last cruise? We took out what was it, eight medium merchants plus a Large Tanker? Mostly ripping down through the Irish Sea, mostly with surface gun attack AND we fought off 3 aerial attacks. Now, I grant you, I took a little damage, but no casualties! But then, what about the icing on the cake, eh?

That large convoy in the Keltic Sea, with the jewel in the heart - the HMS Revenge! Prien's Revenge class was a sitting duck in Scarpa, at least mine was moving! PLUS I took out the Large Tanker and the Tanker for good measure, and all of THAT with my last 6 torps! AND I think I shoud be credited with that last medium Merchant that I torpedoed but hadn't yet sunk when I had to break off to go after the large convoy. I'd stayed with her for over an hour and she was down to one knot and listing last I saw. She MUST be on the bottom!

Now, I took out the namesake for the whole class - that's got to be worth extra points with Goebell's merry wordsmiths, no?

102,521 tons on only our 5th Patrol in a VIIB and NO INJURIES OR DEATHS. So, how about putting in a good word for me, and if not me, at least some recognition for the crew. They deserve it for bringing home the boat with only 60% hull integrity, which meant in the whole action with the convoy, we never went below 25m, AND I never went silent, because reloading to take out the Revenge took priority - we all agreed on that.

By the way, you might want to tip off the Intelligence boys that I encoutered three Danish merchants running dark, going solo in the Irish sea (sunk one that had just rendeveued with a British merchant - obviously running contraband). The other two, I let go, being unsure, but then there must have been at least four Danes running in the large convoy - probably more, I didn't get close enough to see. Mostly medium merchants and a couple medium tankers. 'Neutrals', my asdic!

don1reed 01-27-11 09:51 AM

5th War Patrol, all in tc x1.

13.4.40: Ordered to patrol west of Gibraltar in Dora Jota 16. Currently five days out of Wilhelmshaven in vicinity L59°33.3’N, λ002°40.3’W by three star fix.

Sharp increase in enemy aircraft sightings since last patrol. Was forced to submerge twice in the last two days since passing the prime meridian. Anticipating higher volume of traffic in the western approaches. Watch personnel and Special Sea detail expecting a lively run down toward L36°N. Bon Chance to all.

Obltn Strand 01-27-11 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by the.terrabyte.pirate (Post 1583433)
I'm normally about the same, but in this instance the stars aligned. Originally the 5th eel was a coup de grace for any one of the previous merchies that didn't sink on their first hit, but all three went down within 20 minutes or so. That left me with one eel left, and some tempting targets that I didn't see the first time. I honestly thought that the whale factory ship was too big for one eel only, and I'd be better off using it on the large cargo or ammo ship, but I figured I'd go with it anyway as a learning experience. 25 minutes later she's sinking too.

I think I'm about 90% realism. Everything is switched to realistic apart from map contacts and the external camera (used only for watching sinking ships or my u-boat) I use manual targetting, no weapons officer assistance, realistic sinking times etc. GWX 3.0

Quite a catch then:arrgh!:

You were lucky to get those big ships down with just one torpedo. In many occasions I have had to let some big ships float. Just because all torpedoes have been fired and 20mm AA gun isn't excatly a big ship killer.

nikbear 01-27-11 01:08 PM

Tue,April 30,1940 U103 returns to Wilhelmshaven
Oberleutnant z.S Viktor Schutze brings all the crew home on a most miserable patrol :nope:
Bad weather dogged the entire patrol hampering many attempts to get to grips with the enemy,At one time Resulting in nearly being 'Run over' by a convoy in thick fog:o
A tally of 4 ships sunk for 22804 GRT Little reward for such hard work,bravery and endeavour!
Hoping for a better and more productive patrol next time.......Now where's the Schnapps :salute:

frau kaleun 01-27-11 01:17 PM


So, where's my bloody Knight's Cross then??!!
From: Darth BdU
To: Gryffon300

Onkel Karl has taught you well... but you are not a Ritterkreuzträger yet.


Walruss 01-28-11 07:36 AM

The middle of the north sea, september 3rd, 1939. Just got word that the Kriegsmarine has authorized attacks on British vessels. On my way to AM33 for my patrol, with a sharp eye out for targets!

Fluffysheap 01-28-11 02:02 PM

North Sea, April 1, 1940. Biding my time waiting for Operation Weserubung. Patrol has been very difficult with rough weather and one CTD after another.

I think I am remembering why I usually stick with the Type-II, every time I buy a bigger sub, I get nothing but crashes. But after 1941, the Type-II is really not practical any more, not to mention not historical! (Excepting the Black Sea, of course)

Missing Name 01-29-11 12:17 PM

October 1940, Mid-Atlantic.

Intercepted a fast moving convoy, positioned myself in the center. All six torpedoes launched, three detonated prematurely. The remaining three sank an Empire, ammunition depot and a large cargo. We laughed at the one escort that tried to DC us. Convoy changed route shortly afterward, lost contact.

VONHARRIS 01-29-11 01:38 PM

U-522 returns home
Back at Lorient after my first patrol at the US east coast.
Date and Time
Occurrences 17
U-522, U-Flotilla Saltzwedel
Left at: February 4, 1942, 18:03
From: Lorient
Mission Orders: Patrol grid CA28 BF 44Ship sunk! SS Argun (Medium Merchant 11), 3129 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 39. Crew lost: 25 CC 33Ship sunk! SS Isac (Tramp Steamer), 1971 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 30. Crew lost: 27 CC 24Ship sunk! SS Empire Hudson (CAM Freighter), 7150 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 57. Crew lost: 24
2341Grid CC 16Ship sunk! SS Adm. Courbet (Coastal Freighter), 1811 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 34. Crew lost: 4 CC 14Ship sunk! Q Ship HMS Lambridge (Small Coastal Freighter), 2364 tons. Crew: 77. Crew lost: 23 CA 28Ship sunk! SS Matilde (Nipiwan Park-type Tanker), 2476 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 19. Crew lost: 16 CA 28Ship sunk! USS Decatur (Clemson class), 1190 tons. Crew: 112. Crew lost: 96
0716Grid CA 27Ship sunk! SS Scythia (Ceramic-type Ocean Liner), 14534 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 923. Crew lost: 839
1359Grid CA 27Ship sunk! SS Highland Brigade (Large Troop Ship), 25007 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 812. Crew lost: 227
1448Grid CA 27Ship sunk! SS Athenia (Ceramic-type Ocean Liner), 14533 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 1297. Crew lost: 1141
2228Grid CA 28Ship sunk! Dolphin (Sloop), 8 tons. Crew: 4. Crew lost: 0 results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 11
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 74173 tons

Both liners were sunk out side NY harbor at the borderline of grids CA27 , CA28.
The SS Scythia was going in and the SS Athenia (?!!) was going out. Both were doing 15kts.
The SS Highland Brigade was part of an outgoing convoy escorted by 5 DDs of the US Navy.
These are three troop ships that will not reach the Fatherland.

Next patrol grid is CA 73

Kapitanleutnant von Harris
Current command: U-522 IXC
Position : Heading for CA 73
Date : May 26 1942

Patrols : 17
Days at sea: 504
Merchants sunk : 132
Tonnage : 829689
Warships sunk : 17 (4 x Cl 4 x Aux cruisers 1 x small depot ship 1 x CV)
Tonnage : 137840
Aircrafts downed : 5 (4 x Swordfish 1 x Kingfisher)
Crew losses : 4 men

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