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Zosimus 02-16-15 09:56 PM

U-108 in Lorient
Fourth patrol complete.
70,258 tons.
Hull Integrity: 89.98%

It was shaping up to be a bad patrol until I lucked into a 5-knot convoy with two large merchants of 10k tons each. I sank both of them in a 4-shot salvo. Two fired aft, and two fore.

Admiral Halsey 02-16-15 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Zosimus (Post 2288476)
U-108 in Lorient
Fourth patrol complete.
70,258 tons.
Hull Integrity: 89.98%

It was shaping up to be a bad patrol until I lucked into a 5-knot convoy with two large merchants of 10k tons each. I sank both of them in a 4-shot salvo. Two fired aft, and two fore.

You call 50K tons sunk a bad patrol? For me a patrol with any tonnages is a good one.

Zosimus 02-17-15 06:59 AM

Well, I got the orders from BdU to start shooting at destroyers, and I tried it without much success. Wasting 4 torpedoes without even hitting anything normally shapes up to be a bad patrol.

Now that I've upped to the IXC I should have more eels, and thus get better tonnage.

sublynx 02-21-15 06:37 PM

↯ from U 353 to BdU: = Convoy AL6392 course east medium speed. SSW 7 clear sea 6 medium visibility. Sea too rough to follow. Continuing towards patrol grid. Wähling.=

Admiral Halsey 02-22-15 01:12 AM

October 28th 1942, somewhere in the South Atlantic off the coast of Africa,
Got warnings of Radar being detected and after watching them realized it was a ship heading towards me on a parallel course. Decided to take a chance and plotted an intercept course which I guesstimated would leave me about 3000 meters away from it when it came time to loose my torps. 5 minutes after submerging my hydrophone guy picks up not only a warship but three merchants heading towards me and after plotting their course they should arrive 3000 meters in front of me still. Time passes they get close to me, I raise my scopes and lo and behold they're 6000+ meters away from me! That was a big problem as by this point of the war my loadout consists solely of T3s until the homing torps come online so I had to watch a convoy that only had one escort and 3 large freighters with no guns other then AA(so I could've shelled them) pass me by. The lesson to take from all of this? No matter how correct you think your bearings are keep checking them!

Zosimus 02-22-15 01:13 PM

U-108 in Lorient
Fifth patrol complete.
91,723 tons.
Hull Integrity: 100.00% :up:

Had two CTDs with the new IXC.
Crash dive depth adjusted to 100m

While on patrol overheard on British radio that Pearl Harbor had been bombed.
Restrictions on targeting American ships removed.
No American ships sighted.

Zosimus 02-25-15 10:08 AM

February 17, 1942

U-108 in Lorient
Sixth patrol complete.
88,846 tons.
Hull Integrity: 90.56%

No CTDs. No American ships sighted.

Enemy sonar is getting better. At 194 meters under the sea I still had trouble with pings.

Zosimus 02-25-15 04:41 PM

April 5, 1942

U-108 in DR11.
Seventh Patrol Assigned to Port of Spain.
Very long trip.
One ship sunk.
Attacked by one airplane. Fired on plane as approached. Dived when plane passed. Before we could get under the plane turned around and began shooting at us again. Plane crashed shortly after we got safely under water.

On return trip no hydrophone contact. No sightings. No contact updates. No radar hits. Radar use problematic with high seas.
Weather 2 Sea 6.
Changing course for DR77 hoping to pick up convoys heading towards New York. Plan to dock with new U-boat in CC for fuel.

sublynx 02-25-15 11:37 PM

From U 353 to BdU: = Convoy in AK3820. 5-6 escorts and guarded from air at times. SE 4, clear, sea 2, visibility medium. 4 torpedoes left. Boat heavily damaged in depth charging. Lesser damage from air attack. Deep diving questionable. Request permission to return to port. Wähling. =

sik1977 02-26-15 01:35 AM

Patrol 18
U-107, Type IXB, 2nd Flotilla
Left at: May 16, 1941, 15:08
From: Lorient
Mission Orders: Patrol grid CF98

Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 18
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonage: 220647 tons

My maximum tonnage in a patrol so far... and it was the one where i went to support Bismarck at BE53 and sank both HMS Rodney and HMS King George V... But couldn't save Bismarck, as it sank after taking down one of the two cruisers...

Current Type IXB/C career:

20 Patrols (468 days) - 274 (212/62 merchants/warships) ships sunk - 2477411 (1643586/833825) Tonnage - 6 enemy planes shot down - over 70k renown accumulated.

(GWX 2.1, only 71% realism settings)

Zosimus 02-26-15 09:55 AM

Congratulations. That's an impressive total for a patrol.

However, I wonder about the number of patrols you've done. Twenty? Really?

Otto Kretschmer was the was the most-successful U-boat commander of World War II, and he had a total of 16 patrols. In my opinion, 20 patrols is a lot for one kapitänleutnant.

sik1977 02-26-15 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Zosimus (Post 2291389)
Congratulations. That's an impressive total for a patrol.

However, I wonder about the number of patrols you've done. Twenty? Really?

Otto Kretschmer was the was the most-successful U-boat commander of World War II, and he had a total of 16 patrols. In my opinion, 20 patrols is a lot for one kapitänleutnant.

Otto was captured in 1941 after sinking the Liner I think, otherwise he may have done more patrols... lol...

Actually, my first career has 42 patrols, when i gave it up after installing GWX. Another one has 16 patrols, and now this one, my most successful in Type IXs only has 20 so far. I plan to finish the war with this career... realistic or not... lol...

BTW, by now all my officers, petty officers and half of the sailors have the Knights Cross etc.... lol... so realism isn't really all there anyway...

Scout614 02-27-15 02:15 PM

I died 7 days into the war a MTB rammed me

Darthlucky 02-27-15 04:43 PM

Just returned from my ninth patrol in U-46

Left Wilhelmshaven on March 27, 1940. Started off southwest of Norway, only saw neutral Danish and Norwegian ships (heh, just ya'll wait). Decided to head around the north of Scotland.

March 31, sank first ship on this patrol, a coastal tanker just south east of the Pentland Firth. One torpedo, sank by the stern, hated using a torp on such a small fry, but the weather was too rough to use the deck gun.

Headed south to patrol off Hartlepool-Hull

April 2, got a radio message about a convoy, heading south east, plotted intercept course and headed off. Weather was horrible, visibility down to a few hundred meters, driving wind and rain. Went to PD and guided my way into the convoy, went up scope and saw a coastal freighter bearing down on me. Fired a snap stern shot at a large merchant, then did a 180 and fired on an empire type and an ore carrier. Torpedo hit the large merchant, and all hell breaks lose, star shells are going off, searchlights are sweeping the area and the escorts barge in and start dropping dc's. Mind you, I'm stil at pd, so I just go all quite, dumb and happy, and wait for things to settle down. The Ore carrier is hit and goes down by the bow, the large merchant goes dead in the water, with a fire forward of the bridge, and the empire type just sits there. I find this odd, it hasn't been hit or anything, just goes dead in the water. I wait till the convoy moves off, then finish off the empire and large merchant.

April 2, after leaving the convoy area, I encounter a lone ore carrier, which is set ablaze and sunk with the deck gun. Having broken open the sealed orders, I set a course for Norwegian waters.

April 3, encounter my first Polish flagged vessel, eleven rounds of gun fire later, a small merchant goes to the bottom.

I head to AF53 and wait a week, soon enough, we're at war with Norway.

April 10, I surface to sink a fishing boat only to have a Swordfish come diving at me, my AA gunner hits the pesky flier with the first burst from the 20mm and the plane crashes into the sea. The fishing boat doesn't last much longer, three well placed shots and it goes under. Later that day, a large tugboat crosses my path, and is removed from the surface.

April 11, fired two torpedoes at the HMS Nelson, they missed but one of the escorts must have seen the tracks, they spend an hour looking for me in the wrong area, then sail off.

April 13, I spy a convoy of three troop ships, one Southampton class CL and several destroyers. I fire my last three torpedoes at 6500m at the troopships. One premies, one misses and the last one hits the middle troopship in the bow. An hour and a half later and she drives herself under the water.

My torpedoes expended, my crew and I return to Wilhelmshaven, with promotions and medals to go around.

Friedhelm Winter 02-27-15 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Scout614 (Post 2291843)
I died 7 days into the war a MTB rammed me


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