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Kapt Z 02-24-12 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Lorient (Post 1844835)
Thanks guys. Yep, I think I'll ignore the indications of individual ships and pick them up only if I sight them on my regular route. But I gotta tell you: no way I'm gonna stay in one grid for more than a week. Makes me nuts! :dead:

Experimenting is the fun part. You'll find what works for you. No judgements here.

Good Hunting!

Lorient 02-25-12 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by Kapt Z (Post 1845027)
Experimenting is the fun part. You'll find what works for you. No judgements here.

Good Hunting!

Didn't mean to jugde eather, I appreciate all opinions! Good hunting! :up:

dinnemesis 02-25-12 12:00 PM

Just want to add that the most of the ships sunk during WWII were sailing alone...

Kapt Z 02-25-12 09:35 PM

U-76 1st Patrol
1st Patrol

U-76, type VIIB
U-Flotilla Wegener, Kiel
Departed- 06SEP39
Returned- 06NOV39
Assigned Grid- BE96

9 Merchant ships sunk
1 Tanker sunk

45,777 tons

All internal torpedoes expended
All deck gun ammo expended
No damage sustained

Oblt. Gunter Klauth

u35_captain 02-29-12 09:57 PM

My campaign....I am utterly in love with the Type IX. And I'm slowly perfecting raiding ports with them. Pick off the defenders, move in under cover of darkness.

So far I've raided Key West and Scapa. I'm not on high difficulty, so this may be how it is possible. Either that or the Royal Navy just think the idea is silly so they weren't looking for me.

The sad part being I got into Scapa, after great effort and lots of nail-biting...and only find a light cruiser. I'll admit, the Type IX is not a great harbour raider (I do love the Type II for it...just wish she came with more torpedoes.) but the more I upgrade it, the more daring things I can pull off. It has the range, the firepower, and now with upgrades, the speed. The Type XXI is going to have to be utterly amazing to displace the Type IX in my heart.

I admit, this is my first-ever campaign. Took me forever to get SHIII (and it's a Steam one, so only basic version) but I'm falling for this game hard.

Frenchy849 03-01-12 03:24 PM

Um,you know you can actually install mods for it even if you have it installed on steam?

u35_captain 03-01-12 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Frenchy849 (Post 1848195)
Um,you know you can actually install mods for it even if you have it installed on steam?

Well *now* I do :P Teaches me to listen to stuff I hear in other forums :P

Leandros 03-02-12 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Leandros (Post 1842994)
Up and going - the urge is strong!

U-515 - Oblt.z.S. Hans Jäger - 3rd patrol - Jan. 1944 171644 - 150 NM West of Dakar

U-515 is now homebound just west of Dakar. All 3 patrols had assigned an area down by Cape Good Hope but as usual something happened along the route. Some convoys and soon we had to go home again for torpedo replenishment. This time we made Freetown but as no instructions on eventul Milchkuhe arrived we had to turn North again. Has had some skirmishes with enemy warships. We brought along 3 Falkes, has one left. We swung into Freetown in the dark and found two modern tankers anchored. Needed 5 torps to finish both. A tramp steamer went down there, too. A large troopship hid behind the pier. We have in all 11 torps left. Hope to find a large convoy further North. Very depressing with the constant stream of lost ship's messages.

U-515 - Oblt.z.S. Hans Jäger - 5th patrol - May. 1944 110908 - South-West of the Canaries

Just picked up several radar signals direction South-South-West, probably a large convoy.

Our 3rd patrol turned out rather scaringly. Homebound I made a swing up towards the Bristol Channel where we found a fat convoy. Ended up being hunted for hours and came back with 51% hull integrity. Only hard work by the repair crew saved us.

Much the same happened on the 4th patrol. Tried to get into a convoy South-West of Ireland but was constantly chased by the escorts. After having sunk 5 of them and damaged one we were hit in the tower, both periscopes destroyed. After some scary maneuvering and repair work the hunters gave up and we could limp back to Lorient.

I'd hoped to get myself a Schnorkel but have used my goodwill with the Quartermeisters to get the most possible homing torpedoes. I have saved up some for the next trip now, if there is going to be one.....:(....

Now to the mission in's daylight and no homing torps....

Frenchy849 03-02-12 02:12 PM

Just finished my first campaign today.
After his duty at the front, Wilhelm Hanke became the commander of the 24th Flotilla in Memel. This was the training Flotilla for future Commanders-to-be. After the war Wilhelm Hanke spent three months in British captivity. In July 1956 he joined the newly formed German navy (Bundesmarine). In 1960 at Charleston, South Carolina he commissioned the destroyer Z-6, the former US destroyer USS Charles Ausburne. In March 1963 he became commander of the 3. Zerstörer- geschwader (3rd Destroyer Squadron). Before he retired in 1970, he spent his last five years as garrison chief of Hamburg.
Iron cross 1st and 2nd class.
Tonnage sunk:145774

Alpha Von Burg 03-02-12 07:36 PM

I plan to go all the way through the war starting from '39 this time.

Current U-Boat U-52
February 12, 1940

Just finished our third patrol lasting 23 days now docking at Wilhelmshaven.

This was our longest patrol with a total tonnage of 44000. Our given orders were to patrol CG79, but we sank more ships on the way than we could ever imagine, and ran out of torpedoes by the time we were some where near France or Ireland.


andwii 03-02-12 08:07 PM

Patrol number: 13
Uboot: U-123
Year: 1944-45 (task force attack in 45)
Realism: 100%
max TC used: 128
Tonnage: 38228
Days at sea: 14
had a chance to attack convoys, but when I went to attack a ship and I needed to go deep, the dive planes gave out like those of U-96. We managed to blow ballasts. Then level off, but we knew we could not attack a convoy. On the return trip we ran into a task force, and thankfully I had a few homing torpedoes loaded, they did alright and in the end saved us. with one destroyer left we snuck off, but at what cost. We could have lost the ship in this attack. Command is getting to hopeful of a turn around and risked one of our only XXI boats to attack a task force, but luckily we made it out.

Leandros 03-06-12 11:28 AM

U-515 - Oblt.z.S. Hans Jäger - 8th patrol - Oct. 1944 192100 - Trondheimsfjorden

Just left Trondheim, assigned patrol area AM68. We have beein ousted from France and transferred to 7/12th flotilla based in Trondheim, Norway.

The last couple of patrols have been genuine nightmares, almost impossible to get near a convoy before a dozen or so (it seems so, anyway) of escorts are walking all over you. Even with a max. load of homing torpedoes they are hard to keep off. On the last patrol we hit a convoy just west of the Scapas. In between chasing off the escorts, and sinking 5 of them, we were able to hit 2 Victory transports. Then the game was over and were chased towards the North-West - first by several, then by one Flower frigate. It went on for hours till it was empty of D/C's, then it continued to ping us every 5 minutes. In the end we just lay still and let it keep on with it. After some hours it went away. At that time both our scopes were destroyed and we had to limp back to Trondheim with plenty of torps left.

I would have like to have the new rubber coating for the hull but haven't had enough leverage to get it. Instead my goodwill has been spent on homing torpedoes. As it is the chance only diminishes to build up any points.

Leandros 03-06-12 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Leandros (Post 1850656)
U-515 - Oblt.z.S. Hans Jäger - 8th patrol - Oct. 1944 192100 - Trondheimsfjorden

Just left Trondheim, assigned patrol area AM68. We have beein ousted from France and transferred to 7/12th flotilla based in Trondheim, Norway.

The last couple of patrols have been genuine nightmares, almost impossible to get near a convoy before a dozen or so (it seems so, anyway) of escorts are walking all over you. Even with a max. load of homing torpedoes they are hard to keep off. On the last patrol we hit a convoy just west of the Scapas. In between chasing off the escorts, and sinking 5 of them, we were able to hit 2 Victory transports. Then the game was over and were chased towards the North-West - first by several, then by one Flower frigate. It went on for hours till it was empty of D/C's, then it continued to ping us every 5 minutes. In the end we just lay still and let it keep on with it. After some hours it went away. At that time both our scopes were destroyed and we had to limp back to Trondheim with plenty of torps left.

I would have like to have the new rubber coating for the hull but haven't had enough leverage to get it. Instead my goodwill has been spent on homing torpedoes. As it is the chance only diminishes to build up any points.

U-515 - Oblt.z.S. Hans Jäger - 8th patrol - Oct. 1944 242355 - West of the Orkneys

Engine problems. The boat only achieves approx. half speed in both surfaced and submerged mode. We return to Trondheim.

RConch 03-06-12 01:33 PM

U-48 is at KM Grid CG 86.
June 6, 1940.
8th War patrol.

Lots of bad weather getting to my assigned patrol grid which was DJ 13.
Only 7300GRT for four weeks at sea.
Weather has improved, hoping for a good score.:arrgh!:

Leandros 03-06-12 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Leandros (Post 1850666)
U-515 - Oblt.z.S. Hans Jäger - 8th patrol - Oct. 1944 242355 - West of the Orkneys

Engine problems. The boat only achieves approx. half speed in both surfaced and submerged mode. We return to Trondheim.

Returned to Trondheim after patrol 9 on Dec. 23rd. Took 3 weeks to repair the engine problems that occured on patrol 8, we left for patrol 9 on the 17th.

This was a quickie! I had decided to take up position in the Orkneys-Shetland gap picking up loners. We came in from North-West. Almost there we received intelligence on a large convoy approaching our position from West and we established a nice position almost right in their course line. Finally, a convoy with less escort, only 1 J&K, 1 Hunt, 1 A&B, 2 Flower corvettes and 2 Black Swans. I had 3 Falkes and mostly fast air-driven torps. When all was over all the escorts were down together with 4 large transports, in all 40.000 tons. In that is not included 2 other large transports (Victory) we did not get credit for as it was too shallow so they were not registered as sunk. They just disappeared. Nice work in less than a week. Which Onkel Karl obviously appreciated, too. He gave me my diamonds.

The feeling of being launched on suicide missions is only increasing...:(...

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