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yagura 02-14-22 10:25 AM

NYGM - Chronometer not visible (but working) & a few other things
**EDIT: Solved - Optics/widescreen mods were causing scaling issues etc.**

Hello, sorry if this has already been discussed in the sticky or elsewhere, but I did try to search for the answer for a good while before posting this.

I am a new NYGM player and noticed that the chronometer, which is available in the UZO and periscope views, is not visible. I can only see a light-colored blob which I can only assume is supposed to be the reflection of the watch. When I click on the correct area near that blob I can hear the chronometer start ticking and I can similarly click it again to stop it. Sometimes I am able to move that blob around, which is probably moving the entire chronometer.

On top of this I am unsure whether or not what I see on screen is in the correct aspect and size. The dials and text boxes at the bottom seem small. And e.g. the UZO view is not centered (I understand it might not be possible to do so.)

Also, my limited testing suggests that ships on the horizon are not as hull-down as they should be sometimes; multiple times I have seen far-away ships "floating in the air" a little above the water. I know from forum posts here and the documentation provided with the mods that this should have been fixed already, but have also read that there might still be something that causes the ships to float like this. Is there a simple way to edit this? I have read something about modifying EarthRadius in scene.dat to adjust this, but am uncertain about how it works.

My JSGME activated mods:
NYGM Tonnage War V2.5 - Stand Alone Version
Supplement to V16B1 (I am using h.sie & Stiebler's fixes)
Hitman Optics NYGM 3.6 (Fixed)

Any ideas on how to make the chronometer fully visible, and whether or not what I am seeing on-screen seems to be correct in terms of size/visibility? What about the ships on the horizon floating?

Bonus question #1: while I was doing the installations of the mods for the first time, I vaguely remember reading somewhere that the Model effects option found in SH3Commander for malfunctions/sabotage does not work with NYGM. Try as I might I have not found the document/post saying so again. Any confirmation about it working or not? As far as I know, Use fatigue model, Adjust water clarity & Randomise ship tonnage should not be used and the deck gun reload times should be set to 15 seconds.

Bonus #2: you may also give suggestions for mods and settings to play with in NYGM; I am a SH5 Wolves of Steel player, and am very new to NYGM. My PC is not outdated, so visuals and such should be fine to suggest too, e.g. was considering looking into SH5 Water for SH3.

Thanks in advance! :salute: :subsim:

John Pancoast 02-14-22 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by yagura (Post 2793248)
Hello, sorry if this has already been discussed in the sticky or elsewhere, but I did try to search for the answer for a good while before posting this.

I am a new NYGM player and noticed that the chronometer, which is available in the UZO and periscope views, is not visible. I can only see a light-colored blob which I can only assume is supposed to be the reflection of the watch. When I click on the correct area near that blob I can hear the chronometer start ticking and I can similarly click it again to stop it. Sometimes I am able to move that blob around, which is probably moving the entire chronometer.

On top of this I am unsure whether or not what I see on screen is in the correct aspect and size. The dials and text boxes at the bottom seem small. And e.g. the UZO view is not centered (I understand it might not be possible to do so.)

Also, my limited testing suggests that ships on the horizon are not as hull-down as they should be sometimes; multiple times I have seen far-away ships "floating in the air" a little above the water. I know from forum posts here and the documentation provided with the mods that this should have been fixed already, but have also read that there might still be something that causes the ships to float like this. Is there a simple way to edit this? I have read something about modifying EarthRadius in scene.dat to adjust this, but am uncertain about how it works.

My JSGME activated mods:
NYGM Tonnage War V2.5 - Stand Alone Version
Supplement to V16B1 (I am using h.sie & Stiebler's fixes)
Hitman Optics NYGM 3.6 (Fixed)

Any ideas on how to make the chronometer fully visible, and whether or not what I am seeing on-screen seems to be correct in terms of size/visibility? What about the ships on the horizon floating?

Bonus question #1: while I was doing the installations of the mods for the first time, I vaguely remember reading somewhere that the Model effects option found in SH3Commander for malfunctions/sabotage does not work with NYGM. Try as I might I have not found the document/post saying so again. Any confirmation about it working or not? As far as I know, Use fatigue model, Adjust water clarity & Randomise ship tonnage should not be used and the deck gun reload times should be set to 15 seconds.

Bonus #2: you may also give suggestions for mods and settings to play with in NYGM; I am a SH5 Wolves of Steel player, and am very new to NYGM. My PC is not outdated, so visuals and such should be fine to suggest too, e.g. was considering looking into SH5 Water for SH3.

Thanks in advance! :salute: :subsim:

1. You're mod application order is not correct. The IABL and WYGM mods need to go immediately after the NYGM 2017 mod.
2. You are using two optics mod that are conflicting with each other; Hitman's and the WYGM. That is the root of your graphics problem. Pick one or the other. Hitman's is not wide screen if that matters.
3. Bonus 1 info.: Do not use the malfunctions/sabotage option of Commander with NYGM. I can go into why if desired.
Anything else can be used.
4. Bonus 2 info: I'll let others answer. Everyone's tastes are different.

Mad Mardigan 02-14-22 12:33 PM

On the deck gun firing rate... believe the fire rate for the 88 milimeter or 8.8 cm, was 14-15 rounds per minute... which would give a fire rate of about 1 shot, per every 4 seconds... on the 105 milimeter or 10.5 cm deck gun, believe it was about 11-12 per minute, which would be hmm... about 5-6 seconds rate per round.

Now, given that at that rate... coupled with the accuracy or lack thereof, on gun fire... would likely burn through the ammo stores, rather quickly.

What I did, was to set the rate of fire for the 88, to 1 every 6 seconds & on the 105, to a rate of 1 per every 10.

But... that's just what I set it to. Could very well, make it 8 on the 88 & 12 on the 105.

With those rates, it makes sense, when you consider that the weight of the shells & the 88 being a tad lighter in the loafers, as it were, in comparison to the 105's weight... so it makes sense that the rate of fire, would reflect that.

Meaning that the 88 would be a bit faster to reload & fire compared to the fire rate on the 105.

Hope this info helps... :shucks: :yep: :up:


M. M.

Mister_M 02-14-22 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by yagura (Post 2793248)
Also, my limited testing suggests that ships on the horizon are not as hull-down as they should be sometimes; multiple times I have seen far-away ships "floating in the air" a little above the water. I know from forum posts here and the documentation provided with the mods that this should have been fixed already, but have also read that there might still be something that causes the ships to float like this. Is there a simple way to edit this? I have read something about modifying EarthRadius in scene.dat to adjust this, but am uncertain about how it works.

The Earth is flat in SH3 (the 3D terrain is the same as the navigation map). The ships on the horizon are not floating in the air. It is an optic illusion created by the fact that the fog's color is the same as the sky, so the water is hidden by fog and you think that it's the sky...

Environmental aspect is very limited in SH3, and very few can be done to correct this... You could change the fog's color, the fog 3D model, and/or the fog distance on sea parameters... A lot of testings (trials & errors) are needed to find a result which will always have drawbacks... :/\\!!

yagura 02-14-22 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by John Pancoast (Post 2793265)
1. You're mod application order is not correct. The IABL and WYGM mods need to go immediately after the NYGM 2017 mod.
2. You are using two optics mod that are conflicting with each other; Hitman's and the WYGM. That is the root of your graphics problem. Pick one or the other. Hitman's is not wide screen if that matters.

I changed the mods accordingly but the views are the same (maybe as they are supposed to be) and the chronometer is still missing (although clickable with the ticking starting after click.)

Activated mods list this time:
NYGM Tonnage War V2.5 - Stand Alone Version
Supplement to V16B1

I do not have the subsim post at hand, but the mod order I posted earlier was based on one I believe Stiebler was using and had posted some time ago (could be quite old.) I will possibly try to find that post later.

P.S. I occasionally get crash-to-desktop when loading the main menu, and very rarely when initializing the game world. Maybe there is a small chance I did some of the SH3.exe patching or something incorrectly, or something went wrong with it for some other reason. :hmmm: The game seems to work just fine when it does not get those crashes in the beginning though.


Originally Posted by John Pancoast (Post 2793265)
3. Bonus 1 info.: Do not use the malfunctions/sabotage option of Commander with NYGM. I can go into why if desired.
Anything else can be used.

Please do tell more if you like! I am interested.
Thanks also to Mad Mardigan and Mister_M for your answers! :Kaleun_Salute:

John Pancoast 02-14-22 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by yagura (Post 2793318)
I changed the mods accordingly but the views are the same (maybe as they are supposed to be) and the chronometer is still missing (although clickable with the ticking starting after click.)

Activated mods list this time:
NYGM Tonnage War V2.5 - Stand Alone Version
Supplement to V16B1

I do not have the subsim post at hand, but the mod order I posted earlier was based on one I believe Stiebler was using and had posted some time ago (could be quite old.) I will possibly try to find that post later.

P.S. I occasionally get crash-to-desktop when loading the main menu, and very rarely when initializing the game world. Maybe there is a small chance I did some of the SH3.exe patching or something incorrectly, or something went wrong with it for some other reason. :hmmm: The game seems to work just fine when it does not get those crashes in the beginning though.

Please do tell more if you like! I am interested.
Thanks also to Mad Mardigan and Mister_M for your answers! :Kaleun_Salute:

Almost everytime one has the problems you're describing, it is because of conflicts/overwriting with the menu_1024_768.ini file. It is what controls a large part of what you see in the game and where on the screen it is.

If when activating your mods you notice it being written over, that needs to be looked at.
As said earlier, I can guarantee you that the Hitman's Optics and WYGM mods conflict with each other, i.e.
A good test you can do is apply each mod ONE AT A TIME, starting and trying the game each time.
When the problems you list start, that tells you what mod is the problem.

John Pancoast 02-14-22 03:19 PM

Regarding the malfunctions/sabotage function not being used in NYGM: that is because the Commander file that does that function, randomizedevents.cfg found in the Commander cfg folder, uses hex offsets on SH3 game files to activatate the malfunction/sabotage functions. See the randomizedevents file for examples.

The randomizedevents.cfg file that comes with Commander is based on version 1.4 of the game, including the above hex offsets.
A megamod such as NYGM changes these hex offsets. So unless the mod maker(s) include updated hex offsets for the randomizedevents.cfg file in Commander, Commander will be using the incorrect offsets when activating the malfunction/sabotage option.
Doing that can cause problems with the game files and gameplay.
NYGM did not update these offsets with their Commander files, thus the recommmendation to not use the malfunction/sabotage option in Commander.

FUBAR295 02-14-22 03:20 PM

Link for correct load out of NYGM ;

Good hunting,

Jeff-Groves 02-14-22 03:32 PM

That link don't work.
Takes me to the page but can't download the Commander files.

FUBAR295 02-14-22 03:36 PM

Thanks Jeff.

Hmmmm .... :hmmm: It's working for me.:doh:

Let me make a screen shot and post.

NYGM Tonnage War Mod
For Silent Hunter III

THE NYGM Super Mod, Version 3 (and its sub-versions)

This is the most accurate and realistic representation of the U-boat war that the NYGM team can make. We define accuracy as 'getting the experience (sinkings and probability of being sunk) that a real U-boat commander would be likely to achieve.'
First prepare a CLEAN installation of Ubisoft's Silent Hunter III, including Ubisoft's own 'patch 1.4b' (this is pre-installed on all releases of SHIII by Ubisoft after the end of 2005.)
Then create a folder Program Files\Ubisoft\silenthunteriii\mods, and make sure you have installed a copy of JScones' General Mod Enabler (JSGME) in your folder Program Files\Ubisoft\silenthunteriii\.
The NYGM Mod contains several parts, for convenience of downloading and updating, as follows:
  • 1. NYGM_Tonnage_War_V2.5_Full_Version.7z (Essential, 322 MBytes)
  • 2. NYGM3_New.7z (Essential, 102 MBytes)
  • 3. NYGM3_6F.7z (Essential, 58 MBytes)
  • 4. NYGM_2017A.7z (Essential, 14 MBytes)
  • 5. IABLShipsforNYGM_New_Thomsen.7z (Optional, 14 MBytes. UPDATED VERSION March 2017 for NYGM_2017A.)
  • 6. 3rd Flotilla Mod.7z (Optional, 60 KBytes)
  • 7. SH3_Commander_Updates_for_NYGM.7z (Optional, 0.07 MByte)
  • 8. MFM-Interim-Beta_NYGM.7z (Optional, 35 KBytes)
  • 9. Stiebler4C_V16B1.7z (Optional, an upgrade of the 3A variant but more complex to install; 22 MBytes; includes many new turms for radar.)
  • 10. EnvSimAct_10.7z (Optional, 5 KBytes)
  • 11. NYGM_HiRes_Submarines_3_6F.7z (Optional, 104 MBytes - please observe large size to download)
  • 12. WYGM.7z (Optional, 35 MBytes)
  • 13. Hsie/Stiebler Options Selector (Optional, 157Kbytes) The first six of these mods MUST be installed in the order shown above. UNZIP the six files above with 7-zip (best) or with later versions of WinZip or WinRAR. Copy the un-zipped files into your Ubisoft\silenthunteriii\mods folder, as created above. Install the mods in the order shown with JSGME.
    (You can later un-install the six mods in reverse order with JSGME.)
    Files (7), (8), (9) and (10) contain their own instructions for installation.
    File (11) should be installed LAST of all the above mods in your set-up.
    File (12) - the wide-screen (1920x1080) mod should be installed after file (11).
    File (13) - for use only with the H.sie and Stiebler hard-code patches.
    Full instructions for use are found in the documentation folders of NYGM 2.5 and NYGM 3_New. A few additional small mods are included in the documentation folder of the latest overlay of NYGM, currently 3.6F (file (3)).
    • Files (1), (2), (3) and (4) comprise the main NYGM mod, as at this release date. Updated versions of Hitman's GUI mod for NYGM and Rubini's HarborTraffic mod are included as optional extras in the documentation folder of (4).
    • File (5) contains ships of IABL's new highly detailed merchant fleet, specially selected for NYGM and well tested.
    • File (6) contains the files needed to operate a U-boat from the French Biscay base of La Rochelle.
    • File (7) contains the latest files for NYGM, to be installed with JScones' popular SH3Commander mod. Full instructions provided with file. But you must have SH3Commander installed for these files to serve any purpose, and the files should be installed in the SH3Commander folder as stated in their documentation. (Optional.)
    • File (8) contains a small patch to improve IABL's large new MSM-interim-beta merchant fleet for use with NYGM. The fleet itself must be downloaded from IABL directly. Then install this mod (8) afterwards. If you install the MSM-interim-beta fleet, you *must not* install the earlier IABL fleet, file (4) above. This mod will also improve the same ships where found in IABL's final merchant ship release(s).
    • File (9) contains an expansion of H.sie's famous 'Wolf-pack' patch kit (now v 1.6B1, file (9) is NOT suitable for the older V16A3) for improving and removing bugs from the main Ubisoft file, SH3.exe. For copyright reasons, you must have your own original SH3.exe file, our patch kit uses our original code to modify Ubisoft's code, and the patch-kit functions only with legitimate copies of SH3.exe.(Optional.)
    • File (10) contains revised weather file envsim.act, in two forms. One form is for ANY form of the original SH3.exe, as used in NYGM (included with NYGM_2017A), GWX, LSH3 and other super-mods. The other should be used for those who have patched SH3.exe with H.sie's hard-code patch. (Optional.)
    • File (11) restores Mikhayl's 'Hi-Res Submarines' mod for NYGM, by popular request. Other contributors include Anvart and Tycho, and also BigWallEye, who consolidated and added several mods for this request. (Optional.)
    • File (12) provides VanJast's wide screen adaption of SH3 for screen sizes of 1920 x 1080 (Uses Seeadler's original dll file). Adapted for NYGM by BigWallEye and Blitzkrieg. (Optional.)
    • File (13) provides the latest vesion of the 'Options Selector', for use only with the H.sie and Stiebler hard-code patches. (Optional.)
    Important part: If you support the 1000+ file downloads, hundreds of tips and reviews, forums, and updated subsim news this website offers, please help out with a small donation. wouldn't ask if we didn't need it. Please pitch in!
With advertising revenue gone, the only hope to continue operating this website depends on its readers. All of the updates, website work, and articles are done by volunteers. If you support the 1000+ file downloads, hundreds of tips and reviews, forums, and updated subsim news this website offers, please help out with a small donation.
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yagura 02-14-22 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by John Pancoast (Post 2793322)
Almost everytime one has the problems you're describing, it is because of conflicts/overwriting with the menu_1024_768.ini file. It is what controls a large part of what you see in the game and where on the screen it is.

If when activating your mods you notice it being written over, that needs to be looked at.
As said earlier, I can guarantee you that the Hitman's Optics and WYGM mods conflict with each other, i.e.
A good test you can do is apply each mod ONE AT A TIME, starting and trying the game each time.
When the problems you list start, that tells you what mod is the problem.

Alright! Simply removed both WYGM and Hitman's Optics, fantastic! It looks great and the chronometer is there, the game feels much more like how I remember vanilla being. The periscope & map views and such all scale nice and large. Thanks! :salute:


Originally Posted by Jeff-Groves (Post 2793326)
That link don't work.
Takes me to the page but can't download the Commander files.

I downloaded most of the needed stuff from there successfully, but I needed to right-click the link and select 'Copy link (address?)' and manually paste that copied address into a new tab in my browser to make the download start. For some reason, left-clicking the links did not work for me. I downloaded all those files ~2 days ago so it should still be all OK!

John Pancoast 02-14-22 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by yagura (Post 2793346)
Alright! Simply removed both WYGM and Hitman's Optics, fantastic! It looks great and the chronometer is there, the game feels much more like how I remember vanilla being. The periscope & map views and such all scale nice and large. Thanks! :salute:

I downloaded most of the needed stuff from there successfully, but I needed to right-click the link and select 'Copy link (address?)' and manually paste that copied address into a new tab in my browser to make the download start. For some reason, left-clicking the links did not work for me. I downloaded all those files ~2 days ago so it should still be all OK!

Glad to hear it. You can use Hitman's Optics (one of my favorites) OR the WYGM mod.
You just CANNOT use both.

John Pancoast 02-14-22 05:00 PM

I just noticed this in your mods list: Supplement to V16B1 (I am using h.sie & Stiebler's fixes)
If this means you enabled some of Stiebler's patches via the options selector then that is incomplete too.
Let me know if you are using some of Stiebler's patches per options selector and I'll list what else you need to do to make them work correctly in the game.

yagura 02-14-22 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by John Pancoast (Post 2793348)
Let me know if you are using some of Stiebler's patches per options selector and I'll list what else you need to do to make them work correctly in the game.

When I used Hsie Option Selector I had everything checked on except Wolfpk less contact reports & Bad Weather Fix. I followed these instructions:


Originally Posted by EnvSimAct_v10_Readme.txt
2. If you ARE using H.sie's hardware fix.
You will need to activate the correct EnvSim file as follows:

a) Use the Options Selector provided with the H.sie V16B1 package to switch OFF H.sie's Bad Weather Fix in your SH3.exe file. Place your newly created SH3.exe file in this folder (EnvSimAct_10), where you can see the two envsim files mentioned above.

b) Rename EnvSim.act to EnvSim.acx (this means it will not be recognised by Silent Hunter III.).
c) Rename EnvSim_HsieFix.acx to EnvSim.act

d) ... Alternatively, copy across both the new EnvSim.act file and your new SH3.exe into your folder \Ubisoft\SilentHunterIII\, where it will replace the original version.

Note that, as per instruction d), I decided to copy and replace the .act and .exe files, instead of activating them via JSGME. The Supplement to V16B1 in my JSGME activated mods list is done according to the related documentation (Readme_V16B1.pdf) and the tests contained within that document (menu version number, new messages, wolfpack communications) were all OK. Weather has seemed normal/good too. Sorry if any of the info was confusing.

As for Hitman's Optics, I might be interested in getting that to work still but it seemed like both it and WYGM were giving me trouble with the views. But I will test that some more later on. Sound mods and some visual things might be nice too; an attack disc seems like a must-have for me. :haha:

John Pancoast 02-15-22 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by yagura (Post 2793363)
When I used Hsie Option Selector I had everything checked on except Wolfpk less contact reports & Bad Weather Fix. I followed these instructions:

Note that, as per instruction d), I decided to copy and replace the .act and .exe files, instead of activating them via JSGME. The Supplement to V16B1 in my JSGME activated mods list is done according to the related documentation (Readme_V16B1.pdf) and the tests contained within that document (menu version number, new messages, wolfpack communications) were all OK. Weather has seemed normal/good too. Sorry if any of the info was confusing.

As for Hitman's Optics, I might be interested in getting that to work still but it seemed like both it and WYGM were giving me trouble with the views. But I will test that some more later on. Sound mods and some visual things might be nice too; an attack disc seems like a must-have for me. :haha:

Ok as long as you didn't apply any of the patches from Stiebler's section of the option selector you should be alright.
However, you really should always use JSGME to apply any mod and I also would recommend using the Wolfpack less contact reports option.
It can take a long time to get a pack sorted out even with this option, let alone without it.

yagura 02-15-22 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by John Pancoast (Post 2793392)
you really should always use JSGME to apply any mod and I also would recommend using the Wolfpack less contact reports option.
It can take a long time to get a pack sorted out even with this option, let alone without it.

Alright, I am planning on uninstalling all the mods and the game (SH3Commander is rollbacked) and redoing it all via JSGME + with the Wolfpack less contact reports. While making sure I did not miss some uninstallation instructions I noticed this in the NYGM3_6F documentation:


Originally Posted by NYGM3_6_Manual.pdf
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR NYGM USERS: the latest Stiebler hard-code fix, version 4C, provides special Anvart-made turms that also mount both fixed and rotatable radars correctly. Owing to the impossibility of maintaining mod compatibility across NYGM and other super-mods, players of NYGM SHOULD NOT NOW USE the Anvart-Stiebler patch provided with the Stiebler hard-code fix 4C. Instead, download and install from the NYGM website at SubSim this patch: Stiebler4C_SubsFlag (put together by Tycho).

Do you have any knowledge about that?

I am also probably going to try out "Makman's Final GUI" (not sure if this is the correct name) mainly due to a specific periscope sight and the attack disc that should be contained within it. Do you think most of the mods related to that will be activated in JSGME after the NYGM and IABL mods?

Also if you have any general knowledge about the order of activating sound mods or mods that alter e.g. crew clothes, interiors, and other visuals I would be thankful for any notes.

John Pancoast 02-15-22 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by yagura (Post 2793420)
Alright, I am planning on uninstalling all the mods and the game (SH3Commander is rollbacked) and redoing it all via JSGME + with the Wolfpack less contact reports. While making sure I did not miss some uninstallation instructions I noticed this in the NYGM3_6F documentation:

Do you have any knowledge about that?

I am also probably going to try out "Makman's Final GUI" (not sure if this is the correct name) mainly due to a specific periscope sight and the attack disc that should be contained within it. Do you think most of the mods related to that will be activated in JSGME after the NYGM and IABL mods?

Also if you have any general knowledge about the order of activating sound mods or mods that alter e.g. crew clothes, interiors, and other visuals I would be thankful for any notes.

- You may disregard the 3_6f reference as all that is mentioned in it was incorporated into a later version(s) of NYGM which you already have. I.e., notice that info. has a 3_6 heading but it is a found in version 3_6f documentation. You can control the flag via shift-f and ctrl-f but a watch officer must be on the bridge to do so.
I never use radar but search the commands*.cfg file for what keys control that. Found in path game\data\cfg

- I've never used that GUI but *any* mods you add should be added *after* the NYGM and IABL mods. See the GUI's instructions for specifics on how to appy it.
Also, in general you will always want to apply H.sie's patch last.

- In general you can apply sound, etc. mods in any order you wish. Just look for conflicts with each other/other mods when applying them with JSGME.
When there is a conflict between mods when using JSGME you will get a dialog box with a notice of it, asking you if you want to continue.

yagura 02-15-22 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by John Pancoast (Post 2793453)
Also, in general you will always want to apply H.sie's patch last.

Hello John. I reinstalled the game and the mods. It has run OK once already (will be testing some more right now) but I am a little uncertain about the mod list and its order. I tried to do everything via JSGME now; I followed the instructions as well as I could (it is a bit confusing with all the patched .exe that you need to copy and place in specific locations) and tried to activate everything via JSGME instead of the copy-and-replace I did earlier.

This time around I also had the newer Option Selector, with Stiebler's fixes available as its own button (previous attempt did not have this.) In it I had everything else checked, including Stiebler's, except: Realistic Repair Time(documentation says incompatible with NYGM, which has its own) and Bad Weather Fix(I think this needs to be off for some of Stiebler's fixes, right?). Additionally there was an option that was turned off by default named Diesel Damage Fix which I turned on, not sure if that is OK but I found nothing stating otherwise. I also set both Oxygen meters to 2.0, one being 2.5 initially.

I have some confusion about the order especially due to some documentation:


Originally Posted by EnvSimAct_v10_Readme.txt
The mod that copies last is the one that is used.

This EnvSim_10 mod folder should always be the LAST mod installed with JSGME.

For example if you have Stiebler_4C_Revised hard-code package installed on top of the H.sie patch (it must always be installed after the H.sie patch), then the EnvSim_10 mod MUST follow after the Stiebler_4C_Revised mod


Originally Posted by V16B1-Patch-Kit/Readme_V16B1.pdf
a. Copy your individualized Supplement-Mod into the MODS folder of your sh3-

b. Activate it using JSGME as the last one - after all other Mods. File conflicts regarding files de_menu.txt, en_menu.txt and Campaign_SCR.mis can be ignored.

So is my activated mods list ok then, with EnvSimAct_10 after Stiebler4C? How about the Supplement to V16B1 (JSGME) which comes with the H.Sie patch if I recall correctly?

If it is of any use I noted that the "Smoke on the horizon!" modification mentioned in Stiebler4C documentation worked, I heard/saw that message for the first time (that 4C was not in use a day or two ago.) I have not tested the messages and wolfpacks yet.

Current JSGME activated mods, once crashed on loading, once played OK:
NYGM Tonnage War V2.5 - Stand Alone Version
Supplement to V16B1 (JSGME)

John Pancoast 02-15-22 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by yagura (Post 2793512)
Hello John. I reinstalled the game and the mods. It has run OK once already (will be testing some more right now) but I am a little uncertain about the mod list and its order. I tried to do everything via JSGME now; I followed the instructions as well as I could (it is a bit confusing with all the patched .exe that you need to copy and place in specific locations) and tried to activate everything via JSGME instead of the copy-and-replace I did earlier.

This time around I also had the newer Option Selector, with Stiebler's fixes available as its own button (previous attempt did not have this.) In it I had everything else checked, including Stiebler's, except: Realistic Repair Time(documentation says incompatible with NYGM, which has its own) and Bad Weather Fix(I think this needs to be off for some of Stiebler's fixes, right?). Additionally there was an option that was turned off by default named Diesel Damage Fix which I turned on, not sure if that is OK but I found nothing stating otherwise. I also set both Oxygen meters to 2.0, one being 2.5 initially.

I have some confusion about the order especially due to some documentation:

So is my activated mods list ok then, with EnvSimAct_10 after Stiebler4C? How about the Supplement to V16B1 (JSGME) which comes with the H.Sie patch if I recall correctly?

If it is of any use I noted that the "Smoke on the horizon!" modification mentioned in Stiebler4C documentation worked, I heard/saw that message for the first time (that 4C was not in use a day or two ago.) I have not tested the messages and wolfpacks yet.

Current JSGME activated mods, once crashed on loading, once played OK:
NYGM Tonnage War V2.5 - Stand Alone Version
Supplement to V16B1 (JSGME)

- Use the "Bad Weather Fix" option only if you want to use H.sie's weather file instead of Stiebler's. Either weather file will work but with a 16k environment such as NYGM, you MUST use one or the other; no others. Reason being is because only these two weather files are coded to make the night vision fix work correctly. No others are.
Which one to use is strictly personal preference. They both do the job weather-wise.
But H.sie's supplement folder includes his EnvSim file and Stiebler's folder has an older EnvSim file (that does not have the night vision code). So if you want to use Stiebler's EnvSim 10 file you must install it after both H.sie's supplement folder and Stiebler's so it will overwrite their files.
That is what Stiebler is meaning in his documentation.
- The diesel damage mod is optional. Some like it, some not. I like it myself.
- The recommened O2 settings are left to right, 3.5 and 1.
- Your install order is correct except for the Stiebler and H.sie folders. Their order should be reversed with H.sie's applied first. Your patched .exe should be in Stiebler's folder.
Be sure to read the documentation with both H.sie's and Stiebler's mods. If the items there are not done correctly, etc. you will have game problems.
- In your JSGME options, BE SURE to enable the automatic rollback function.

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