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LiquitHQ 05-08-18 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by avers (Post 2552301)
How do i turn on the mini map in game?


LiquitHQ 05-08-18 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2552297)

Sorry to bother you again, I followed the instructions on that link you gave, I am not sure if I am doing it right but either way I would prefer to still have those solution dot numbers on my solution line.

Something in me always refers back to how I had it in the past and playing like this feels unnatural to me :o any possible way to find out why they are not showing?


desepticon 05-08-18 10:13 AM

Honestly, forget the 3 numbers. With autoTDC you can make 5-12 km shots depending on the torpedo.

LiquitHQ 05-08-18 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by desepticon (Post 2552315)
Honestly, forget the 3 numbers. With autoTDC you can make 5-12 km shots depending on the torpedo.

yeah well I kinda feel dumb, I think I found out why these dots were not enabled. If i only had read the link a bit better from THEBERBSTER I would've set up my realism settings correctly.

It seems that I still had MANUAL targeting enabled :har:

The autoTDC i am not entirely sure if I understand it but if I have set it up correctly then I hope I will manage.

Sorry if I hijacked the thread :Kaleun_Salute:

avers 05-08-18 04:17 PM

so im not sure what happened, but i loaded up mu game with the WoS mod and for some reason the graphics mod in Wolves of Steele isn'y working anymore, it reverted to stock graphics. All i did was turn on the minimap in the patches and nothing else and then i turned it off and the graphics were still stock graphics. What did i do?

desepticon 05-09-18 02:07 AM

There only one patch you're supposed to enable in the Generic Patcher, the Wolves of Steel one. it incorporates all the usual patches into one.

LiquitHQ 05-09-18 05:35 AM

Hey, just a quick question, I am not sure but I tried the automated TDC and I do think it works. So far I locked on target four times and they when the lock is released the solution seems to be automatically calculated but when I release the torps they always seem to miss by a hair.

I am not sure but when I use the solution numbers I am slightly more successful. It somehow feels like my timing is a bit off?

can anyone confirm that this is the case? I really want to get used to that auto TDC and use the dots as a secondary measure when I ******* up :D


desepticon 05-09-18 06:27 AM

Its hard to tell whats going on in your periscope view because its so dark, but I think I know the issue. You need to keep your periscope crosshairs on the part of the ship you want to hit. To help with this you can press the "X" key, which will lock the crosshairs on the center of the ship. (Different from TDC lock with "SPACE".) From there, you can press "Shift-Q" or "Shift-E" to move the lock left or right on the target.

You should also be at a full stop when firing.

Its also possible, if your using gas torpedos, that the ships saw them coming and took evasive measures. Try electric torpedos.

LiquitHQ 05-09-18 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by desepticon (Post 2552414)
Its hard to tell whats going on in your periscope view because its so dark, but I think I know the issue. You need to keep your periscope crosshairs on the part of the ship you want to hit. To help with this you can press the "X" key, which will lock the crosshairs on the center of the ship. From there, you can press "Shift-Q" or "Shift-E" to move the lock left or right on the target.

Yeah, it was pitch black on these engagements I kinda had a hard time myself to see them. I honestly went with my instruments to fire my torps than going by what I could see through the scope.

I will try X and Shift A and E to correct my aiming next time I play


desepticon 05-09-18 07:06 AM

It can also be done manually. You just have to make sure the crosshair is on the part of the ship you want to hit when you fire. You should aim just behind the smoke stack for maximum damage.

There is also a "night-filter" you can enable to make things easier at night. Click on the "HUD" icon up in the top left area with the torpedo settings. Then click enable hud. The colors and alpha channel can be altered with a mouse-scroll when hovering over them. (its bit buggy. sometimes it won't register and you have to close and reopen the window and try again.) I found 255,255,255 with an alpha around 23 works best.

To check if your on target, check the minimap when (space) locked on. The solution line should pass through the ship. Then unlock and fire while maintaining the same periscope orientation on the target.

And its "Shift-Q" and "Shift-E" for left and right, FYI.

Mud112th 05-10-18 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by Mud112th (Post 2551773)
I have, after a break and dedicated time to my passion of flight sims, gotten into SH5 with TWOS mod. Awesome sim, so thank you so much for that. I have heard horror stories of the unmodded SH5.

I'm facing two little problems though:

1) When I open the map, I cannot zoom or move the map about. After some time I discovered there is a tool open on the map by default with a large transparent area around it. Once I move this tool with its border out of the way, I can operate the map properly. (see screenshot below)

2) On calm sea, doing 9 knots I asked the navigator to give me a celestial nav fix, and after some time he always aborts it due to submerging. But we are nowhere near submerging.

Best regards,


Coming back on this:

- Uninstalled SH5, deleted the folder.
- Fresh install through Uplay of SH5
- Launched a historical mission in the game: no map tool problem.
- Redownloaded TWOS and installed.
- Started the game without enabling any mod in JSGME
- Launched a historical mission in the game: map tool problem is present.

During the installation of TWOS, .net is skipped though since Windows says already installed or part of a higher version.

Best regards,


desepticon 05-10-18 05:34 AM

Check that you have display scaling overriden in the .exe's properties.

desepticon 05-10-18 07:43 AM

Oh man! I'm in spring of '44 in Turning Point, and boy has it gotten hard. My tactics that served me well the entire game are not helping me anymore.

I'm attacking a big convoy at night, positioning myself just out of range of escort ASDIC. I shoot a double salvo at two ships a little less than 5k away using electrics. I'm already diving to 150 and backing away slowly at silent running, altering my course to a 45 degree angle to the convoy's path as soon as I let my fish swim.

But they always are finding me now! Even when I stop my boat when they get to close even for silent running. I try evasive maneuvers when their on top of me, shooting off decoys. Going back to slow when they're a little farther away, and back to stop when they get to close. BOOM! depth charged and sunk to the bottom of the sea. Tried it three times now with no luck.

Anyone have any tips for "advanced" attack and evade? Should I switch to gas/steam and go for 12 km night shots? I'm going to try a few more things later, but wow. I think I'm going to have to go for less heavily escorted or non-escorted convoys and single ships now.

edit: Okay, so I disengaged from this convoy. It seems the destroyer captain's guarding this one were a little too elite for me, which I believe is simulated. I found another huge convoy of the same size and was able to get away Scott-free using my usual tactics.

ThePrody 05-10-18 04:31 PM

how deep did you were when they hit you ?

desepticon 05-10-18 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by ThePrody (Post 2552605)
how deep did you were when they hit you ?

I believe I was around 180 m deep. I find it hard to maintain depth below that even though I've tested my VII/41 to around 270

I had another funny thing happen to me just now though, on the "Invasion Imminent" mission while stalking the channel. A GeIII electric torpedo circled back on me and sunk me! Never had that happen before!

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