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fitzcarraldo 07-21-17 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2501866)
You can calculate future distance of target closing before you simply from head by its current distance and its current angle on bow :)

every 6 degrees of AoB until 30 degrees means current distance *0.1 if you want to fire on it at its 90 AoB (when its course will be perpendicular to bearing which you see it at).

So if its current distance is 5000m and its at 6 degrees AoB (close to directly against you) it will be 500m out of you at 90 AoB.
  • 1000m if it has 12 AoB
  • 1500m - 18AoB
  • ... and so on :)

You can set distance to TDC in advance and leave it :yeah:

If it has more than 30 AoB, its not by 0.1 every 6 degrees anymore, you has to look into sine tables :salute:

Good to know! Many thanks!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

palmic 07-21-17 08:06 AM

In fact, this is writen in "E" -> target data assesment charts:

But this on the image is incomplete information.
This Equation is right only if colision point angle is 90 degrees, thats what i mean by fire at 90 AoB.
If its not 90, complete Equation is range * sine(AoB)/ sine(angle of track).
Since sine(90) = 1, its range * sine(AoB)/ 1, which is simply range * sine(AoB) as i said.


fitzcarraldo 07-21-17 07:40 PM

Well...I canīt see that documentation in my boat....My crew think his commander is an snowflake.....:Kaleun_Wink:

There is a lot of information included in TWoS!

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

palmic 07-21-17 09:27 PM

Hahaha, i can tell ya, there's so much of information what can make your life harder (for instance attack disk), while pure nature is so simple as subtracting 3 numbers all over again.. ;)

Sokolov 07-23-17 10:56 PM

Bug with harbors
I maked raid to Southend harbor and then in London, but same bug, there explosions, buggy ships, and when i reach some zone (as i understand) my boot crashes.

kstanb 07-24-17 07:14 AM

First of all, thanks for the magnificent mod! at last I can play SHV, which was shelved for years

Question on torpedo duds: I am playing at the highest realism, I am in my second patrol... I haven't yet seen any torpedo dud issue... is this modeled in the game?
I am of course avoiding magnetic detonators, shooting at shallow settings to avoid deep runs and aiming good angles, all of these mitigate the dud issue (and was not known in 1939). Still I am seeing quite a success rate compared to SHIII or SHIV

Question #2:
In measuring speed, is there a method that doesn't require the submarine to be at "all stop"... Or are there ways to mitigate the error if I am also at speed?
So far most of my shots have been to ships running away, so stopping to get an accurate measure was not too convenient.
Instead I have tried to figure out the speed by checking the "wave" of the ships, a big wave would be around 2/3 of their max speed, no wave or little wave around 1/2.. with 2 shots (one slightly less, one slightly more) I can almost always hit, assuming of course good AoB, and short range

Marvoch 07-24-17 08:11 AM

A quick question: the game is becoming slower and slower in loading and saving the journals, at first it took 4-5 minutes, now more than an hour. Since I'm a bit of an OCD, I like to have my journal complete and in order... but the time is becoming to unbearing, and I'm afraid it will become longer and longer. I save manually quite frequently and different saves, as per advice in the first topic, and each time I save my journal and different ejs. I believe this is the problem, so I deleted (and did a backup of) all the old journal pages, but I can't delete the saves, since uplay always synchronise them, even when I deactivate the option in the settings or start playing offline. I don't know if this is the origin of my problem, if so, any ideas on how to remove the saves, and should I save on the same slot despite the aforementioned advice? If not, any ideas on what to do about it?

Marvoch 07-24-17 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by kstanb (Post 2502398)
First of all, thanks for the magnificent mod! at last I can play SHV, which was shelved for years

Question on torpedo duds: I am playing at the highest realism, I am in my second patrol... I haven't yet seen any torpedo dud issue... is this modeled in the game?
I am of course avoiding magnetic detonators, shooting at shallow settings to avoid deep runs and aiming good angles, all of these mitigate the dud issue (and was not known in 1939). Still I am seeing quite a success rate compared to SHIII or SHIV

Question #2:
In measuring speed, is there a method that doesn't require the submarine to be at "all stop"... Or are there ways to mitigate the error if I am also at speed?
So far most of my shots have been to ships running away, so stopping to get an accurate measure was not too convenient.
Instead I have tried to figure out the speed by checking the "wave" of the ships, a big wave would be around 2/3 of their max speed, no wave or little wave around 1/2.. with 2 shots (one slightly less, one slightly more) I can almost always hit, assuming of course good AoB, and short range

Question 1: The other day I shot at a target with an AoB of 91° and 800m from me with an impact piston torpedo and got a dud, although I shot it quite deep in the sea, 4.5 meters, it was calm, and the enemy draft was 7.5m, so it should not have caused problem, so yes duds are existent, even if rare if you plot you attack diligently with impact pistons.

Question 2: I usually move when I plot an attack, and simply take in consideration my route and speed and shift the marks of my sub accordingly on how much I moved in the time I decided to monitor the enemy vessel, and from that upgraded mark take the second position.

Sokolov 07-24-17 09:15 AM

Bug with harbours
I maked raid to Southend harbor and then in London, but same bug, there explosions, buggy ships, and when i reach some zone (as i understand) my boot crashes. What is the bug? Someone answer?

palmic 07-24-17 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by kstanb (Post 2502398)
First of all, thanks for the magnificent mod! at last I can play SHV, which was shelved for years

Question on torpedo duds: I am playing at the highest realism, I am in my second patrol... I haven't yet seen any torpedo dud issue... is this modeled in the game?
I am of course avoiding magnetic detonators, shooting at shallow settings to avoid deep runs and aiming good angles, all of these mitigate the dud issue (and was not known in 1939). Still I am seeing quite a success rate compared to SHIII or SHIV

Question #2:
In measuring speed, is there a method that doesn't require the submarine to be at "all stop"... Or are there ways to mitigate the error if I am also at speed?
So far most of my shots have been to ships running away, so stopping to get an accurate measure was not too convenient.
Instead I have tried to figure out the speed by checking the "wave" of the ships, a big wave would be around 2/3 of their max speed, no wave or little wave around 1/2.. with 2 shots (one slightly less, one slightly more) I can almost always hit, assuming of course good AoB, and short range

1) i had a lot of duds in previous versions, not in last one (maybe just luck? :) )

2) There are 2 authentic fire methods for you :salute:

palmic 07-24-17 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Sokolov (Post 2502420)
I maked raid to Southend harbor and then in London, but same bug, there explosions, buggy ships, and when i reach some zone (as i understand) my boot crashes. What is the bug? Someone answer?

I dont believe SH5 or TWOS is optimized for such actions...

THEBERBSTER 07-24-17 10:21 AM

Hi Sokolov
Harbor raiding and the effects you are mentioning is a known bug and could even be seen in one of Shaefer's old YouTube vidoes.

IIRC Vecko was talking about making it more difficult to carry out harbor raiding in TWOS after seeing Shaefer's video.

Harbor raiding therefore is not recommended to do in TWOS.

mkiii 07-24-17 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Sokolov (Post 2502420)
I maked raid to Southend harbor and then in London, but same bug, there explosions, buggy ships, and when i reach some zone (as i understand) my boot crashes. What is the bug? Someone answer?

the AI is flaky in harbors, so don`t bother with them, its more of a challenge out at sea anyway, its a Game engine bug,

fitzcarraldo 07-24-17 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2502427)
1) i had a lot of duds in previous versions, not in last one (maybe just luck? :) )

2) There are 2 authentic fire methods for you :salute:

I have duds with 2.0.5 and I think Vecko changed nothing about this in the recent updates.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

kstanb 07-24-17 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2502427)
1) i had a lot of duds in previous versions, not in last one (maybe just luck? :) )

2) There are 2 authentic fire methods for you :salute:

Thanks! that is precisely what I was looking for :Kaleun_Salute:

I used to plot a lot in the map, but with "Real Navigation", I think it is no longer precise enough; I mean how can I plot if I don't even know where am I. I am using the RAOBF dial instead and I am very happy with it!

Am I right on that? any tips and tricks to plot not knowing precisely where you are?

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