Originally Posted by vdr1981
(Post 2227325)
Did you enable schnorchel by some chance maybe?
you mean in port? For first patrol, snorkel is not available and I wouldn't have enough renown neither....... :hmmm:
Originally Posted by vdr1981
(Post 2227325)
Why so? I stated in the second post clearly for players to avoid as much as possible game saving near active AI units...
Are you sure you performed steps 5 and 6 correctly?:hmmm:
Well, since my first posts about no tonnage recording....I just figured it out that this happens either way I am close or not to the AI......also that depends on how close you mean......... For example, my last save......was about 10km away from a unit.......sunk it (first ship in my "career")......no recording........I reload the saved game again........in which I was supposed to have cero sunk vessels...........and there it was in the map the mark of a destroyed one (where it came from?)..........:/\\!! :/\\!! :/\\!!. That has happened to me a lot..... Also, sometimes the message white box register sunk vessels, sometimes it doesn't (when it doesn't, my tonnage is not reflected).......but they are always registered in the capt's logbook, so when I quit a game, the last screen does know I sunk them. (within my patrol area)...
About 5 and 6..........yes, I did it correctly, I changed some stuff though, (not big deal)........just map colors, mouse in, mouse out stuff...........none "advance users" options......changes did took effect...........
Even I reinstalled everything........and same troubles :wah: :wah:
:timeout: :timeout:
Thanks for the reply! :salute: