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propbeanie 05-14-20 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2670578)
Thank you propbearnie, that's good news. I have this question about my last mission:

I was sent to Marshall Islands to investigate the surroundings, while asked to keep submerged by day and using only 1 engine at night; well, I bypassed this because otherwise I would get nowhere in a reasonable time :)
Also there were 2 green circles for my operation area, 1 of them had the mission marker, but when leaving the first circle to join the 2nd, this will considerably increase my patrol time until my orders are updated, I have spent more than 30 days until I received new instructions from HQ. I usually leave the green circle trying to intercept targets where I think to find them on logical travel nodes etc.

But instead should I stay within the green circle to complete my mission sooner?


The game is rather dim-witted since it can't think for itself, so all we can do is attempt to anticipate the way people will play the game. In that light, it is assumed that the player will head directly to the Marshalls when given the order. Say you are told to patrol for six days. It is assumed it takes a certain time frame to travel to your assigned patrol area at Ahead Standard. When you receive the orders in the office, the patrol circle is already drawn for the first Primary Objective. Let's say total travel time and patrol time for that first objective is 12 days. If there is a second Objective that will be assigned, that 2nd patrol circle is usually drawn at about the 10th day, for the just-in-case you did Ahead Flank to get to your patrol area. If you instead went to the Marshalls via Empire Waters, then that 2nd circle will be drawn entirely too early. However, the first mission Objective time setting is still set for the passage of the days that are set, but that "clock" doesn't start until you arrive in the patrol circle of the first assignment. Assume that you left PH on the 10th, and the 20th is when the 2nd circle is drawn. You've been told to patrol for six days, but you don't arrive until January 12, 1942, it will be January the 18th before the first Objective is completed and you will then receive the orders for the 2nd Objective circle you saw drawn on the screen. This is part of the problem of trying to help and draw the circles for the player... As for the traffic, realize that the Japanese did not "advance" to some of the other islands in the Marshall and Gilbert Islands until 1942. Some of the "patrols" you see have been alerted to a possible submarine in the area, and are vainly attempting to find your boat. Some are on patrol around a given atoll, not just a single island. The game's 3D world does not accurately "draw" some of the spits of sand that were / are habitable, so you might only see a "shallow" bit of water, and not actual dry land that they are patrolling around. Most of the patrols to the area (three in real life) during the early stages of the war were done so under the assumption that the Japanese may have use the Marshalls as their base of operations for the Pearl Harbor strike, which was of course, erroneous, other than some of their submarines came from there... But, if you hit the right place at the right time, you will be in for a bit of a battle to escape with your crew, you boat, and your life... mum's the word though - you have to "find" them!... lol - Just a hint maybe... Truk was the center of their operations for that area... draw some lines from it, to a rather other important island in the Marshalls, and then branch out from there logically.


Originally Posted by WH4K (Post 2670604)
Congrats on the new release! I hope it fixes a bug I just stumbled across in the previous FotRS:UE release; in short, the ST periscope radar simply does not work.

We have not messed with the ST radar since it was "fixed" a while back, and have not found what might be causing any issues. My suspicion is that there is a date set incorrectly somewhere, or perhaps something is mis-spelled. We found that a "space" character in a Loadout description will trash a whole set-up for an airplane's configuration, so I'm certain the equipment on the submarine does the same. I might well be incorrect in my assumptions, and it definitely would not be the first nor last time that has happened. We are still tracing IDs and Names through the files, trying to establish what is a correctly set-up submarine for the ST radar. It is much more than just the ST radar, and involves the SV Elite as well as SJ radars, and a "package" of other equipment, as well as all of the above gear, ~and~ having the proper conning tower for everything to attach to. If you start the game in January 1945, the boats seem to be set correctly, but when it comes to "upgrades", something seems to be left out of the equation for the equipment assignments. Still looking.


WH4K 05-14-20 10:17 AM

Thanks for the insight; I was wondering if I missed something.

Sucks I can't go back to the previous, working version of the surface search radar. Oh well, war's almost done - there aren't so many ships to be found anyway.

Mios 4Me 05-14-20 10:31 AM

Thanks for the update! I haven't updated yet but didn't see this on the list of fixes/known issues for it, so...

Sibyl ships: multiple ships occupying the same space simultaneously. In this case, there are three ships tied up at one berth: a medium split freighter, an Ada Maru, and an unknown type whose symbol displays but whose name does not.

USS Tilefish, 3/22/44, Taipei harbor, patrolling north of Formosa for 10 days.

Is there a central repository for open issues? I've looked at the readmes and the known issues in the second post of this thread, but a Q&D search didn't turn up anything else.

XenonSurf 05-14-20 10:46 AM

Thank you Propebearnie for your explanations, and: my congrats for your new update! I will however stick with my current career for awhile with 1.004, and then changing.


Randomizer 05-14-20 11:46 AM

Congratulations on the FOTRS-U 1.1 release and thank you for the update. So far so good, everything went where it was supposed to and it seems to be working as intended.


KaleunMarco 05-14-20 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Mios 4Me (Post 2670620)
Thanks for the update! I haven't updated yet but didn't see this on the list of fixes/known issues for it, so...

Sibyl ships: multiple ships occupying the same space simultaneously. In this case, there are three ships tied up at one berth: a medium split freighter, an Ada Maru, and an unknown type whose symbol displays but whose name does not.

USS Tilefish, 3/22/44, Taipei harbor, patrolling north of Formosa for 10 days.

Is there a central repository for open issues? I've looked at the readmes and the known issues in the second post of this thread, but a Q&D search didn't turn up anything else.

yes, this is a known problem. it has happened before....and it will happen again.
look backwards at some of the posts from 2019 or 2018 and there are some interesting screen shots of different boats occupying the same space.

of course, if it happens today, they are in violation of universal law because they are not maintaining adequate social distancing of at least 6 feet.:haha:

Larrywb57 05-14-20 12:45 PM

Thanks FOTRS Ultimate Team for your latest release! New mod loaded, preformed comparison check of SH4 game files, SH4 file in documents deleted and now diving into FotRS Ultimate Edition v1.1!


WH4K 05-14-20 01:08 PM

FWIW, I have downloaded 100_FalloftheRisingSun_UltimateEdition_v1.1_EN.7z twice, but it does not have the md5 value in the File & Checksum List.pdf included.

Archive does not seem to be corrupt - it unpacked successfully. Perhaps something changed from the 4/26 edition?

Larrywb57 05-14-20 01:17 PM

My first impression of the game, I always save approximately 150 nautical miles from my home base. During the transition to the spot where I save, I can always tell a lot of lag on the map because of the traffic. Never take the chance of going above the time compression of 64 until I am several nautical miles away from the angled anchor. On my first patrol out with this mod, I can see no drop in frames per second, the stopwatch didn't shutter as it did in the past because of the harbor traffic. I don't know if the lack of traffic is a result of the attack on Pearl Harbor or if some of the traffic was removed to make the game more stable. Everything is great so far and thanks to the team on their release the mod.

s7rikeback 05-14-20 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by WH4K (Post 2670657)
FWIW, I have downloaded 100_FalloftheRisingSun_UltimateEdition_v1.1_EN.7z twice, but it does not have the md5 value in the File & Checksum List.pdf included.

Archive does not seem to be corrupt - it unpacked successfully. Perhaps something changed from the 4/26 edition?

Sorry WH4K,
We forgot to update that.
================================================== =======
14/05/2020 @ 19:40

Size = 1.41 GB

Current MD5 checksum value:

================================================== =======

propbeanie 05-14-20 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Mios 4Me (Post 2670620)
Thanks for the update! I haven't updated yet but didn't see this on the list of fixes/known issues for it, so...

Sibyl ships: multiple ships occupying the same space simultaneously. In this case, there are three ships tied up at one berth: a medium split freighter, an Ada Maru, and an unknown type whose symbol displays but whose name does not.

USS Tilefish, 3/22/44, Taipei harbor, patrolling north of Formosa for 10 days.

Is there a central repository for open issues? I've looked at the readmes and the known issues in the second post of this thread, but a Q&D search didn't turn up anything else.

"Central Repository" is on the first page, post #5 - if I'm remembering correctly, and what you describe is an old issue, resolved within a few days of the previous release. I cannot find the series of posts about it, but it is (in theory anyway) resolved. If you do see multiple spawns, as usual, let us know where and when you were, and we'll try to find it and FIX IT!!!... lol


Originally Posted by KaleunMarco (Post 2670650)
yes, this is a known problem. it has happened before....and it will happen again.
look backwards at some of the posts from 2019 or 2018 and there are some interesting screen shots of different boats occupying the same space.

of course, if it happens today, they are in violation of universal law because they are not maintaining adequate social distancing of at least 6 feet.:haha:

We will send the FotRSU enforcers after them!!!


Originally Posted by WH4K (Post 2670657)
FWIW, I have downloaded 100_FalloftheRisingSun_UltimateEdition_v1.1_EN.7z twice, but it does not have the md5 value in the File & Checksum List.pdf included.

Archive does not seem to be corrupt - it unpacked successfully. Perhaps something changed from the 4/26 edition?

"Fearless Leader" does not know how to make a valid link to the appropriate file. s7rikeback supplied the info, but it was not properly passed on... "Fearless Leader" apologizes profusely for the failure...


Originally Posted by Larrywb57 (Post 2670658)
My first impression of the game, I always save approximately 150 nautical miles from my home base. During the transition to the spot where I save, I can always tell a lot of lag on the map because of the traffic. Never take the chance of going above the time compression of 64 until I am several nautical miles away from the angled anchor. On my first patrol out with this mod, I can see no drop in frames per second, the stopwatch didn't shutter as it did in the past because of the harbor traffic. I don't know if the lack of traffic is a result of the attack on Pearl Harbor or if some of the traffic was removed to make the game more stable. Everything is great so far and thanks to the team on their release the mod.

No changes to traffic, other than for mod conformity. The better efficiency of the game is 99.5% directly attributable to s7rikeback and Jeff-Groves working tirelessly on eliminating ID conflicts. We can also thank our 'new', "not-so-secret" weapon, Hebe Vollmaus's mySH3-Tool, which he recently updated for certain SH4 files, and it found all sorts of unseen issues with the Loadouts on the airplanes and ships, such as a "space" character after a name, or a "bombss" for "bombs", etc. The kind of thing that the human misses quite easily and frequently, apparently... So the game runs much better now, even as compared to the previous version. Pay attention to your load times now, and if you go into the Museum, it loads in less than half the time it used to, but has more ships... Thank those fellows profusely, please! The previous version had a lot of "dead wood" removed, such as repeats of Library files and textures, that sort of thing, all thanks to s7rikeback and Jeff-Groves. Notice also that the mod is now smaller...:salute:


Originally Posted by s7rikeback (Post 2670670)
Sorry WH4K,
We forgot to update that.
================================================== =======
14/05/2020 @ 19:40

Size = 1.41 GB

Current MD5 checksum value:

================================================== =======

Ahh... assuming all of the blame for this over-sight, are you?... :har:

FotRSU Mod Team 05-14-20 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by s7rikeback (Post 2670670)
Sorry WH4K,
We forgot to update that.
================================================== =======
14/05/2020 @ 19:40

Size = 1.41 GB

Current MD5 checksum value:

================================================== =======

Thank you for taking the hit, s7rikeback! I owe you one! maybe two or three?... :O:

Mios 4Me 05-14-20 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2670739)
"Central Repository" is on the first page, post #5 - if I'm remembering correctly, and what you describe is an old issue, resolved within a few days of the previous release. I cannot find the series of posts about it, but it is (in theory anyway) resolved. If you do see multiple spawns, as usual, let us know where and when you were, and we'll try to find it and FIX IT!!!... lol

It also occurred on the previous patrol (agent insertion on Honshu, Feb 1944, Ishinomaki harbor). I observed it on radar but didn't investigate.

In the Taipei case, it was a medium freighter and two Ada Marus in a six pointed star formation. On the other side of the harbor, a ship shared a berth with an unidentified sunken unit.

Front Runner 05-15-20 04:02 AM

Playing v1.1
I love leaving Pearl Harbor early war at sunrise instead of mid-day. Playing Tambor Class out of Pearl Dec. 9 1941 departure 0600! Well done!

propbeanie 05-15-20 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Mios 4Me (Post 2670756)
It also occurred on the previous patrol (agent insertion on Honshu, Feb 1944, Ishinomaki harbor). I observed it on radar but didn't investigate.

In the Taipei case, it was a medium freighter and two Ada Marus in a six pointed star formation. On the other side of the harbor, a ship shared a berth with an unidentified sunken unit.

What I am getting at is that it was discovered back in February, not very long after the release of v1.004, and was corrected (we hope). The 'fix' is in this version 1.1 - so in theory, you should not see it occur when you get the new version activated... We "searched" through the files with new criteria to find those kinds of "repeats", but of course, we are never 100% certain of having stomped something out, much less of not having caused a new issue. That is the problem with "bugs", you find one and get rid of it, it's buddies scurry for cover, only to be found two days after the new release... :roll:


Originally Posted by Front Runner (Post 2670775)
I love leaving Pearl Harbor early war at sunrise instead of mid-day. Playing Tambor Class out of Pearl Dec. 9 1941 departure 0600! Well done!

It really should be the 10th, but we'll 'fix' that with an add-in later.. Have fun! See how the "clock" treats you also! Good to have you back onboard! :salute:

s7rikeback 05-15-20 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by FotRSU Mod Team (Post 2670755)
Thank you for taking the hit, s7rikeback! I owe you one! maybe two or three?... :O:

With a heavy heart yes...:doh:

WH4K 05-15-20 05:06 PM

Reduced loading times? Yes please!

MultiSH4 merely keeps the savegame files separate, between associated mods, correct?

Mad Mardigan 05-15-20 05:21 PM

Re: Fall of te Rising Sun...

Originally Posted by WH4K (Post 2670907)
Reduced loading times? Yes please!

MultiSH4 merely keeps the save game files separate, between associated mods, correct?

As I know of it, yes, this is what the multiSH4 does, is separate the game saves, accordingly to the mod 'flavor' as it were, that you go with.. and not going into the save folder associated with the unmodded copy of SH4 that you have, in order to set up the mega mod, you use.

Hope this answer helps...

Mad Mardigan


XenonSurf 05-15-20 08:37 PM

Still playing (but not for long) with 1.004a. Currently at Truk Island after a long fruitless patrol, but hey guys, an aircraft carrier anchored in port, :Kaleun_Wink:oh oh

Difficult situation to put me in firing position because of shallow waters and heavy escorts nearby, but I will attempt something, let's see if I'll go swimming :D


Mios 4Me 05-15-20 10:37 PM

Fuel consumption failure
Have checked posts #5 and #996 but see nothing related.

Balao class out of Midway en route to supply dump in the Luzon Strait, April 1944. Fuel level stays at 99%, despite the Limited Fuel boxes being checked in the base and main menus. This happened on the previous patrol, 10 days to Taipei and China coast. Currently still on v1.004a.

Also encountered a TF with two Wasp class carriers on the Luzon patrol. I realize this may have been dealt with in the upgrade, but it's not clear.

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