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Jeff-Groves 03-16-21 09:09 PM

Sorry to hear that. So I guess both of us have been down that sad road.
I almost wish Mom had Alzheimer's. She suffered full blown dementia!
Seeing and hearing things that weren't there and such.

My Sister is still mad that I did not cry when Mom finally passed.
To me? She had died years before so I was relieved.

MaDef 03-16-21 11:12 PM

LOL, you kids have short memories, back in 2009 when Biden became VP He gave 2 press conferences right after taking office. He made a mess of both of them. At that point Obama put him on a very short leash in regards to the press for the rest of his tenure as VP.

Catfish 03-17-21 02:36 AM

Who knew? :haha:
All over the press here, also BND overthinking its course of action. "Russia also meddled with the EU and the brexit outcome as we now know.
... waging a widespread influence operation intended to undermine confidence in the democratic process – [...]"
Trump did a pretty good job on this himself.
Question is how to counter this properly in the future.

Rockstar 03-17-21 06:06 AM

One of the above 'empty' reports states the following:


proxies linked to Russian intelligence to push influence narratives-including misleading or unsubstantiated allegations against President Biden-to US media organizations, US officials, and prominent US individuals, including some close to former President Trump and his administration,
Anyone know what these unsubstantiated allegations the article mentions were?

3catcircus 03-17-21 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Rockstar (Post 2736933)
One of the above 'empty' reports states the following:

Anyone know what these unsubstantiated allegations were?

Without looking past the details of the story, I'd say it's the MSM's attempt to deflect from the fact that Burden clearly has dementia by claiming they're unsubstantiated Russian rumors meant to have helped Trump. That they also claim China didn't interfere is their way of saying "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain who Beijing Burden is controlled by." Probably the only truthful part of the article is about Iran - and even then I suspect they had a stronger operation going than is stated.

Any time you see a MSM outlet reporting on something provided by the "US intelligence community" and words like " ...landmark report..." in the article, you know it's all bullsh!t. The IC stopped being an apolitical source of fact on our adversaries a long long time ago.

Catfish 03-17-21 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Rockstar (Post 2736933)
[...] Anyone know what these unsubstantiated allegations [edited: against Biden] were?

One of those, but there were "a few" more.
I am sure you can find more yourself via Google if not on Fox or Breitbart, or Quanon networks.

3catcircus 03-17-21 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by MaDef (Post 2736891)
LOL, you kids have short memories, back in 2009 when Biden became VP He gave 2 press conferences right after taking office. He made a mess of both of them. At that point Obama put him on a very short leash in regards to the press for the rest of his tenure as VP.

Don't get me wrong - anyone could see he clearly had issues back then (and even before then), but it was way easier to hide him as VP or senator.

3catcircus 03-17-21 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Moonlight (Post 2736737)
She might well be one, but putting her on the spot is going to be nigh on impossible, she seems to have been born to this type of career, maybe she's a future politician in the making, and Christ knows you're lacking some competent ones.

A press secretary who can't (as opposed to won't) answer questions when put on the spot - and has no ability to get out of the question other than a "hamana hamana" is an incompetent.

Watch some previous press secretaries - when they don't want to answer a question, they easily redirect the conversation. When they can't answer the question - they also easily redirect the conversation.

"Circle back" means nothing more than "I don't have any answer and don't know how to get myself out of this, please don't embarrass me for being completely unprepared when we all know I'm not really qualified to be standing at this podium to begin with."

That she's held multiple communications jobs in previous Dem administrations and doesn't now how to deftly maneuver around the press is a problem - and that a media friendly to the Dems isn't helping her means they know she isn't qualified to be there.

Rockstar 03-17-21 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2736943)
One of those, but there were "a few" more.
I am sure you can find more yourself via Google if not on Fox or Breitbart, or Quanon networks.

That's it? Though I wholeheartedly disagree with the political tactics of unsubstantiated accusations and fabrications. Its nothing new and been part of the game for quite a long time. The articles you and Sky linked too made are just as much a baseless claim. Why do I have to be the one to search the internet to prove it? Where's the investigative journalism?

3catcircus 03-17-21 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2736943)
One of those, but there were "a few" more.
I am sure you can find more yourself via Google if not on Fox or Breitbart, or Quanon networks.

That it is unsubstantiated doesn't not make it true - it just means he hasn't been caught yet. Look how long it took to finally catch Jerry Sandusky and the US Gymnastics team doctor...

Sniffing children and going out of your way to find an opportunity to physically touch them when there is no reason to are *not* normal behavior.

mapuc 03-17-21 07:32 PM

Let see if I understand this correctly.

It was an awful thing the former president did when he gave order to remove the children from their parents when they tried to cross the Mexican borders.
But it is now ok to do it, because it is for the children's own safety/best

Or did I miss something ?


Catfish 03-18-21 02:42 AM

^ in a way yes, they begun with it even before Obama times, and it is of course a very sad apporach to deal with children, but depending who is president he is blamed all through the governments.
Which is in a way correct, why doesn't a president stop it?

Then the next level kicks in: He probably does not have the right or legal capability to forbid it. And so on.
When it comes to bureaucracy detached from ethics ro real life, every atrocity is possible :03:

Catfish 03-18-21 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by 3catcircus (Post 2736956)
That it is unsubstantiated doesn't not make it true - it just means he hasn't been caught yet. [...].

What about the assumption of innocence?
I think we should put you in jail, you may be a mass murderer. We have no evidence but Trump's son said so.
"Allegations of child sex molestation are a prominent part of the QAnon conspiracy theory that suggests a "deep state" is working against President Trump." :doh:

3catcircus 03-18-21 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2737159)
What about the assumption of innocence?
I think we should put you in jail, you may be a mass murderer. We have no evidence but Trump's son said so.
"Allegations of child sex molestation are a prominent part of the QAnon conspiracy theory that suggests a "deep state" is working against President Trump." :doh:

*Every* career politician is crooked as a dog's leg. It just is a matter of which crime(s) they've been doing so long without being caught that they think it is normal behavior. In the case of Burden, it's an obsessive public display of inappropriate contact with women and children that just skirts the line of "Did he just??" behavior that would have earned him a punch in the mouth by an angry husband or father a long time ago if he weren't a politician. That most (if not all) of the victims were family members of Biden supporters, campaign workers, or congressional staffers or other senators shows you that they're immoral because they allowed it to happen to further whatever political ambitions they themselves had at the time. An angry punch in the mouth with a vocal " Don't touch my kid you pervert!" in a public venue would've stopped Biden a long time ago.

We have *many* public appearances by Dementia Joe where he goes out of his way to touch and sniff women and children for many years. He even admitted it was weird and promised to stop doing it during the presidential campaign. A guy posted a compilation of C-SPAN public video of Biden's creepy sniffing and touching on Twitter and even *they* flagged it as child exploitation.

Rockstar 03-18-21 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2737157)
^ in a way yes, they begun with it even before Obama times, and it is of course a very sad apporach to deal with children, but depending who is president he is blamed all through the governments.
Which is in a way correct, why doesn't a president stop it?

Then the next level kicks in: He probably does not have the right or legal capability to forbid it. And so on.
When it comes to bureaucracy detached from ethics ro real life, every atrocity is possible :03:

Why doesn't he stop what? I think we spoke about this earlier when it was brought up. You DO NOT keep children in general population at detention centers, ESPECIALLY when you dont know who the accompanying adult is.. It also makes it much easier to discover the child's perspective as well. However I can attest from my own personal experience of interdicting thousands of illegal Chinese, Indian, Haitian, Central American, illegal immigrants at our borders during the Reagan, Clinton, Obama and Bush 1&2 years. There are times when its so very obvious to see the bond between a child and a parent and we do our best to keep them together. But I tell ya its a freaking huge operation and very difficult task to try and figure out who these people are and why they're here. With no exception its a traumatic experience for everyone involved.

But in the end we separate children for the same goddamn reason the E.U. does when they come across immigrant children. Its not rocket science its just common sense.


Children in migration are continuously exposed to risks such as violence (including in reception/transit centres), physical abuse, exploitation, sexual abuse and trafficking for the purpose of sexual or other exploitation, going missing or becoming separated from their families. Children have arrived in Europe with obvious signs of injury, trauma, and physical, sexual and psychological abuse incurred on their journey to and in Europe.
Seattle Time article
... some illegal immigrants are using children who aren’t theirs to try to enter the United States, Mexican authorities have come forward to assert that illegal immigrants in Tijuana are preying on vulnerable single mothers in shelters by suggesting they sell their children to them.

Rockstar 03-18-21 09:46 AM

During a recent interview our president just accused a legitimate head of state of being a 'killer'? WHat does that mean exactly and whats this price he's going to pay? Jeebus, I think we're about to drive off a cliff, this is gettin' scary.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Director of National Intelligence came out with a report today saying that Vladimir Putin authorized operations during the election to under — denigrate you, support President Trump, undermine our elections, divide our society. What price must he pay?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: He will pay a price. I, we had a long talk, he and I, when we — I know him relatively well. And I– the conversation started off, I said, “I know you and you know me. If I establish this occurred, then be prepared.”

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You said you know he doesn’t have a soul.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I did say that to him, yes. And — and his response was, “We understand one another.” It was– I wasn’t being a wise guy. I was alone with him in his office. And that — that’s how it came about. It was when President Bush had said, “I looked in his eyes and saw his soul.” I said, “Looked in your eyes and I don’t think you have a soul.” And looked back and he said, “We understand each other.” Look, most important thing dealing with foreign leaders in my experience, and I’ve dealt with an awful lot of ’em over my career, is just know the other guy. Don’t expect somethin’ that you’re– that — don’t expect him to– or her to– voluntarily appear in the second editions of Profiles in Courage.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: So you know Vladimir Putin. You think he’s a killer?


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: So what price must he pay?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: The price he’s gonna pay we’ll– you’ll see shortly.

AVGWarhawk 03-18-21 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Rockstar (Post 2737206)
During a recent interview our president just accused a legitimate head of state of being a 'killer'? WHat does that mean exactly and whats this price he's going to pay? Jeebus, I think we're about to drive off a cliff, this is gettin' scary.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Director of National Intelligence came out with a report today saying that Vladimir Putin authorized operations during the election to under — denigrate you, support President Trump, undermine our elections, divide our society. What price must he pay?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: He will pay a price. I, we had a long talk, he and I, when we — I know him relatively well. And I– the conversation started off, I said, “I know you and you know me. If I establish this occurred, then be prepared.”

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You said you know he doesn’t have a soul.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I did say that to him, yes. And — and his response was, “We understand one another.” It was– I wasn’t being a wise guy. I was alone with him in his office. And that — that’s how it came about. It was when President Bush had said, “I looked in his eyes and saw his soul.” I said, “Looked in your eyes and I don’t think you have a soul.” And looked back and he said, “We understand each other.” Look, most important thing dealing with foreign leaders in my experience, and I’ve dealt with an awful lot of ’em over my career, is just know the other guy. Don’t expect somethin’ that you’re– that — don’t expect him to– or her to– voluntarily appear in the second editions of Profiles in Courage.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: So you know Vladimir Putin. You think he’s a killer?


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: So what price must he pay?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: The price he’s gonna pay we’ll– you’ll see shortly.

Joe will send Harris to Red Square. That'll show'em! :doh: Tough talk from the basement.

Jeff-Groves 03-18-21 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Rockstar (Post 2737206)
PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: The price he’s gonna pay we’ll– you’ll see shortly.


I'll probably be able to fly flapping my arms before We see what 'shortly' means.

Dowly 03-18-21 03:54 PM

Sanctions. This is not escalating anything, just things returning back to normalcy after four years of kissing Putin's behind by Trump.

Jeff-Groves 03-18-21 03:58 PM

So your saying I'll never be able to fly by flapping my arms?
That is SO disappointing!

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