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Bubblehead1980 12-21-21 10:26 PM

Twenty patrols , well that explains it. I rarely keep captain beyond six patrols or so anymore, just keep the boat by editing the file to have a a new captain. Twenty satisfactory patrols though, you earned it. I have wolfpack operations integrated into campaign next update, do wish could link promotion to Captain to ability to command a wolfpack.

No, three weeks does not sound short. Patrol lengths can vary based on factors. Just curious.

Got ya. I was curious as I believe the sim does award rating of your boats commander i.e. you based on renown earned by achieving assigned goals and each ship is worth certain amount of renown as well, combined with the difficulty level running at.

no need to apologize!
s7rikeback and PB have been schooling me up on fixing all kinds of subtle errors, like the list i sent to you last month or maybe the month before. this is a very complex system design...there are bound to be disconnects.

"so...followup question: assuming you correct the PBY-date-thing, how do you plan to generate the air-survivors for us to rescue? i am intrigued by this!"

Well, the downed aircrews in this case and most cases come from planes that are actually shot down/crash. Sometimes there are survivors, sometimes there not. In nearly all situations, a few planes will be shot down, providing high chance to rescue downed aircrew. The downed pilots in the water spawn as well as rafts which can be rescued, simulating picking up downed crews of planes with more one person aboard. In some cases, planes may not be shot down or crash, so will be no one to rescue. In the Wake strikes of Jan Feb 1944 by the flying boats, no planes were lost so Tang did not have to rescue any aircrew. The one time I observed these strikes in game, one PBY had a engine fire but flew other and searched area, flight path, no survivors. I have carrier strikes scripted on Wake, Marcus etc, usually a few to rescue due to losses from AA fire etc.

I have also added missions to rescue stranded crew of sunken PT boat in Solomons (based on PT-109) and the Philippines, as well as to recover intelligence agents, commandos. A mission based on Nautilus's rescue of adults and children from Teop,Bougainville in late 1942 as well. The rafts spawn at certain times, usually a date and time based trigger. This method in a few cases is used to spawn downed aviators, such as a TBF pilot down in the waters off Chi Chi Jima on September 2 1944

" it's probably a missing TGA file for a zoom-in view. i say that because there was an icon for a coastal gun visible on the Nav Map until i zoomed-in. that's when the error message displayed rather than the next level of icon."

Thanks, will check into it.

BarnacleBrain 12-21-21 10:35 PM


Mad Mardigan 12-21-21 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by KaleunMarco (Post 2784100)
exactly 20 patrols! amazing!

nothing less than three weeks. is that considered short?


lol; no need to apologize!
s7rikeback and PB have been schooling me up on fixing all kinds of subtle errors, like the list i sent to you last month or maybe the month before. this is a very complex system design...there are bound to be disconnects.

so...followup question: assuming you correct the PBY-date-thing, how do you plan to generate the air-survivors for us to rescue? i am intrigued by this!

it's probably a missing TGA file for a zoom-in view. i say that because there was an icon for a coastal gun visible on the Nav Map until i zoomed-in. that's when the error message displayed rather than the next level of icon.

If memory serves Me correctly... think it was like, 40-60 days out on patrol... as fleetboats had a rudimentary refrig/freezer on board, where as their counterparts... Uboat & the IJN I class... didn't (not 100% sure about the I class subs of the IJN... but know for definite, the U-boats sure as shooting, didn't... considering the Type 2, was smaller than the S class boats the U.S. had, the Type VII's, were comparable with the S class as far as size, but not near the amenities. Considering the S class complement was 38 to the VII's 44-52. The lesser number of crew opened up the ability to include a means to keep food items cold that required it on the S class, that the VII's were lacking. 2 advantages that the VII's had, over the S class were... ablility to dive faster... & go deeper than they could.

Small comfort, when you considered that their food stock went crappy faster... & the lack of hygiene amenities. Not to mention the sardine quarters... :doh: :o


M. M.

I think, there were a couple of Fleetboats, that went past 60 days out... before hitting the docks back at base. Will have to do some... digging in & see if I can find that info on longest patrols made by Fleetboats, during WW2.

KaleunMarco 12-22-21 04:38 PM

Destroyed convoy re-birth
The re-birth of destroyed ships from a convoy has been an issue in the past but I, personally, have not experienced it in a long time. perhaps it is a TMO thing.
i am playing the rebuilt TMO.
it is happening to me on my current mission, twice actually, simultaneously.

it occurs after:
  • boat sinks ships.
  • time passes.
  • game is saved and SH4 exited.
  • SH4 is launched and the saved game is loaded.
  • previously sunk ships return to existence and continue their journey as if they had not been attacked.
  • if you sink them again, you will expend ammo but you will not be awarded any additional credit.
  • however, the enemy ships are just as lethal as if they had never been sunk so they can still destroy you.

did we ever establish the root cause of this phenomenon?

KaleunMarco 12-22-21 09:14 PM

boxes rather than bubbles?
what setting would make bubbles(?) appear as boxes?

Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157

100 TriggerMaru_Overhaul_2-5_UpdateBH Revised Final
110 Nav Map MakeOverTMOUpdate
120 NavMapMakeOverTMOUpdatePatch
130 AlliedShipsTMO
140 ShipsforTMO
150 EAX_Sound_Sim_SH4
160 TMO2_different_smoke_and_splash_effects
170 IJN_Radar_Fix_2
200 DecoysTMO
210 RestoreSDRadarFromStart
220 AAtoDeckguns+Radio
800 TMO_BH_Fixes_MTB

lonehawknz 12-23-21 06:03 AM

Battles of Java Sea and Sunda Strait missing?
Hi Bubble - thanks for a great mod (again!).

I realise that having the superpower of retro-historical-foresight is very unrealistic - but thinking back to the old combo of TMOv2.5 and RSRD-TMO - both the first and second Java Sea battles were represented and I was able to position myself at 112'10 6'10 and observe the fight between the big IJN cruisers and ill-fated ABDA Eastern Strike Force - attempting to intervene if I could. This seems to have been removed in the latest update - or was it that it was there in RSRD but not in TMO?

Likewise, the equally ill-fated flight of Perth and Houston, and Exeter - were all represented - but now appear to be missing?

Or is it me!!!? (entirely possible!)

All assistance gratefully received! Thanks!


KaleunMarco 12-23-21 06:56 PM

Is it really an error condition?

discovered this, by accident, today.

received this error when performing a Validate Mission on Sink Yellow Sea 01 with the Mission Editor.

when i checked the Localization text, there was a message.
but the message is not supposed to be here (below).

the message needs to be in the Event-Message box, in the lower part of this screen:

i do not think it is critical but you probably want to fix it in your next release.

Bubblehead1980 12-24-21 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by KaleunMarco (Post 2784265)
what setting would make bubbles(?) appear as boxes?

Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157

100 TriggerMaru_Overhaul_2-5_UpdateBH Revised Final
110 Nav Map MakeOverTMOUpdate
120 NavMapMakeOverTMOUpdatePatch
130 AlliedShipsTMO
140 ShipsforTMO
150 EAX_Sound_Sim_SH4
160 TMO2_different_smoke_and_splash_effects
170 IJN_Radar_Fix_2
200 DecoysTMO
210 RestoreSDRadarFromStart
220 AAtoDeckguns+Radio
800 TMO_BH_Fixes_MTB

Some textures for sea life were not included by mistake, I released a fix some time ago, which will be included in next release. For now, just enabled Vickers03's Sea Life Mod last, it will solve the problem.

Bubblehead1980 12-24-21 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by KaleunMarco (Post 2784449)

discovered this, by accident, today.

received this error when performing a Validate Mission on Sink Yellow Sea 01 with the Mission Editor.

when i checked the Localization text, there was a message.
but the message is not supposed to be here (below).

the message needs to be in the Event-Message box, in the lower part of this screen:

i do not think it is critical but you probably want to fix it in your next release.

This is not a error by my update as I did no work on the patrol objectives. However, next update will have the patrol objectives reworked.

Mad Mardigan 12-24-21 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 (Post 2784478)
Some textures for sea life were not included by mistake, I released a fix some time ago, which will be included in next release. For now, just enabled Vickers03's Sea Life Mod last, it will solve the problem.

Make sure to note... that there is, 2 different versions in vicker03's latest version of that mod.

1 for the "Atlantic" region...

2, is for the "Pacific" region...

Just so ya know... :hmmm: :yep: :shucks: :up:


M. M.

KaleunMarco 12-24-21 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 (Post 2784478)
Some textures for sea life were not included by mistake, I released a fix some time ago, which will be included in next release. For now, just enabled Vickers03's Sea Life Mod last, it will solve the problem.

thank you.:Kaleun_Salute:

Bubblehead1980 12-24-21 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by lonehawknz (Post 2784300)
Hi Bubble - thanks for a great mod (again!).

I realise that having the superpower of retro-historical-foresight is very unrealistic - but thinking back to the old combo of TMOv2.5 and RSRD-TMO - both the first and second Java Sea battles were represented and I was able to position myself at 112'10 6'10 and observe the fight between the big IJN cruisers and ill-fated ABDA Eastern Strike Force - attempting to intervene if I could. This seems to have been removed in the latest update - or was it that it was there in RSRD but not in TMO?

Likewise, the equally ill-fated flight of Perth and Houston, and Exeter - were all represented - but now appear to be missing?

Or is it me!!!? (entirely possible!)

All assistance gratefully received! Thanks!


I would not consider historical battles being present to be unrealistic, in fact its a great part of the sim, having the major and minor battles, providing chance to participate or just observe. I included many major and minor battles and in the next version of update, have added more.

No, these battles were not scripted in default TMO, they are in RSRD version compatible with TMO. In my TMO Update, I did add the Java Sea and Sunda Strait battles (along with many others) using historical orders of battle, and should show up at historically accurate times and location. While in testing I located the forces involved twice, so can confirmed they do spawn. It is possible you just missed the forces. Make sure you are NOT running RSRD with my TMO Update, they are not compatible and will "break" the traffic i.e. prevent proper spawning etc.

I am out of town so can't look at the mod, but will double check it when return in a couple weeks. If unable to locate, can open up the 41A Jap Task Force campaign layer with the mission editor and should provide a idea.

Bubblehead1980 12-24-21 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by KaleunMarco (Post 2784227)
The re-birth of destroyed ships from a convoy has been an issue in the past but I, personally, have not experienced it in a long time. perhaps it is a TMO thing.
i am playing the rebuilt TMO.
it is happening to me on my current mission, twice actually, simultaneously.

it occurs after:
  • boat sinks ships.
  • time passes.
  • game is saved and SH4 exited.
  • SH4 is launched and the saved game is loaded.
  • previously sunk ships return to existence and continue their journey as if they had not been attacked.
  • if you sink them again, you will expend ammo but you will not be awarded any additional credit.
  • however, the enemy ships are just as lethal as if they had never been sunk so they can still destroy you.

did we ever establish the root cause of this phenomenon?

No one has explained why this happens. I have noticed, it occasionally happens in ALL versions of SH 4, all mods.

Definitely does tend to happen after sinking, saving too close to the sunken vessel and reloading the save.

Another possibility is the spawn interval on the random group was not set properly...Example...convoy is a random group and should be set to say 80 percent chance to spawn every 240 hours or ten days ...but by default when random group is created set to 24 hours 100 percent chance to spawn. So you find convoy and are somewhat close to its spawn point, wipe convoy out, but when 24 hours comes around, respawns the group. This is rare but has happened.

Primarily it is driven by sinking them and reloading saved game, especially when saved within 30 or so miles of a sunken vessel.I always say no closer than 50 miles to a sunken vessel and never when a vessel is within range on any of the sensors.

lonehawknz 12-24-21 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 (Post 2784486)
I would not consider historical battles being present to be unrealistic, in fact its a great part of the sim, having the major and minor battles, providing chance to participate or just observe. I included many major and minor battles and in the next version of update, have added more.

No, these battles were not scripted in default TMO, they are in RSRD version compatible with TMO. In my TMO Update, I did add the Java Sea and Sunda Strait battles (along with many others) using historical orders of battle, and should show up at historically accurate times and location. While in testing I located the forces involved twice, so can confirmed they do spawn. It is possible you just missed the forces. Make sure you are NOT running RSRD with my TMO Update, they are not compatible and will "break" the traffic i.e. prevent proper spawning etc.

I am out of town so can't look at the mod, but will double check it when return in a couple weeks. If unable to locate, can open up the 41A Jap Task Force campaign layer with the mission editor and should provide a idea.

Cracking stuff Sir! It is probably just me - as you say! Thanks for the tips. Merry Christmas!


KaleunMarco 12-24-21 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 (Post 2784490)
Primarily it is driven by sinking them and reloading saved game, especially when saved within 30 or so miles of a sunken vessel.
I always say no closer than 50 miles to a sunken vessel and never when a vessel is within range on any of the sensors.

never noticed that previously and i will pay closer attention to the geographical circumstances of my victims vs my location at save.

i am a notorious saver just after a battle and so it follows that i would experience this phenomenon because of the proximity of things.

although i have not experienced this in quite a while so i wonder what other condition(s) is/are at work. also, recently, i have not been exiting/re-entering SH4 during a mission and so i am missing the opportunity to re-load a saved file which is key to this phenomenon.

thanks for sharing.

Merry Christmas!

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