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GT182 09-09-12 09:24 PM

One thing to add to Weber's wisdom...... it's been said before but has probably been missed by those new to Sh5 and the installing of mods.

If a mod you want to install with JSGME has documentation in it, remove it before you add it to the Mods folder. It's unneccessary to install them with the mod, and besides that they can and will corrupt an install. I've found that out my self, the hard way.

When you take the documents folder out of a mod, rename it with the mod's name so you know what you need to find if you have to read the document of a certain mod.

Silent Steel 09-10-12 01:06 AM

@ GT182
Seconded in all possible ways

Nicolas 10-09-12 05:56 AM

I would like to know if there is any documentation listing the functions that can be called to the game from a script and what they are for. ?

tonschk 10-09-12 06:03 AM

I was completely unaware about this, thank you GT182:salute:


Originally Posted by GT182 (Post 1932271)
One thing to add to Weber's wisdom...... it's been said before but has probably been missed by those new to Sh5 and the installing of mods.

If a mod you want to install with JSGME has documentation in it, remove it before you add it to the Mods folder. It's unneccessary to install them with the mod, and besides that they can and will corrupt an install. I've found that out my self, the hard way.

chrysanthos 11-29-12 12:36 PM

maybe this is the right topic so i gonna give it a shot....i want to change the controls from silent hunter 5 to can i do that please?

volodya61 11-29-12 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by chrysanthos (Post 1968093)
maybe this is the right topic so i gonna give it a shot....i want to change the controls from silent hunter 5 to can i do that please?

:06: Maybe you meant this -

chrysanthos 11-30-12 06:39 AM

well thank you very much for the program but i remember that there is another option like you change inside a cfg file some orders....wich i dont know what configuration file is on 5.....

THE_MASK 02-17-13 05:05 AM

Goblin says i cannot save dat files ?

busman 02-24-13 01:32 AM


eka 04-02-15 04:23 AM

I am not able to see images (also with right mouse button).
is it my problem or thread pb?


Shiklgroober 02-23-17 07:44 AM

Editor Goblin
Hello! I delve into the Goblin editor. I am trying to make changes to the object, for example in the Deck Gun. I can not understand how all the same to edit objects (Deck gun) Goblin in the editor? Like the editor works for me. I configure it as mentioned in earlier posts. Loading the main image - Submarin.GR2, then merge, - further file from Object- Gun- ... sim. Well, and then how ...? Gun rotates all. Further, it is impossible to change anything in detail. It may be necessary detail for its changes in export Max3D? Thank you!

Oby 02-23-17 03:50 PM

You can't manipulate with 3d objects in Goblin editor.It is just a sort of preview app, but you can change or assign new controllers or reposition damage zones on objects and some other things. It's a long process but it can be done, if you are persistent.

For 3d manipulation we had a TDW editor(GR2EditorViewer).It is a TDW masterpiece with great potencial but unfortunatelly in current state, it is very limited and somehow buggy. And you can't use it on 64bit system.

Good luck.


Shiklgroober 02-26-17 12:28 PM

Thanks for the answer. Is it possible to change the graphics of the game in your hand? May be export another tools? For example, in Max3D? Are there any external editor for such work? After someone makes a fashion in this area? I would also like to try to do something! Thank you!

u crank 10-16-19 04:46 AM

Reported as spam. ^

Jimbuna 10-16-19 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by u crank (Post 2632567)
Reported as spam. ^

Good catch, I've sent them back to Hanoi :salute:

Aktungbby 01-24-20 03:54 AM


CassiousClay 12-05-20 09:53 AM

I'm contributing an update to this thread and info since the last post I saw that was on-topic with the subject of the thread was several years ago and I figured it out.

As of 2020 with PhotoShop 6's Nvidia DDS plugin the save settings I found to work are


ARPG  8 Interpolated Alpha
9 mipmaps
I've left the rest of the settings unchanged.

U-190 02-26-21 06:48 PM

Ein grosses Schiff braucht ein grosses Fahrwasser! :salute:

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