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wzartz 12-18-19 06:55 AM

Guys, how did you attack ships when you're in heavy fog at night? even when i turned my gamma higher i still cant see anything :'(

jldjs 12-18-19 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by wzartz (Post 2640894)
Guys, how did you attack ships when you're in heavy fog at night? even when i turned my gamma higher i still cant see anything :'(

Sonar, follow the sonar “lines”. You get direction and an estimate of distance. If you have Map Contacts On, you can guess at speed. Likewise, if you have radar you get a position plot which you use to track, get speed, etc.

merc4ulfate 12-19-19 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by wzartz (Post 2640894)
Guys, how did you attack ships when you're in heavy fog at night? even when i turned my gamma higher i still cant see anything :'(

Run up on them using Sonar then manually fire the deck gun. If I get a hit I'll see it if not I adjust range of fire. Once my shots are consistent hits I keep firing until it is on fire and going down. I have taken out Destroyers this way as well. They can not fire back at what they can not see.

In other cases I will hit the merchants and leave the DD alone, confused and pondering what to tell command about all its escorted vessels going down but it remain untouched. Fog is your friend. If you are running with Cuties even more so if you want to use them. Just fire them manually 5-10 ahead of the target at about 2000 yards or less. I took out the Yamato in a typhoon this way once. I had used Cuties to slow it down and then after it slowed and or stopped, Mk 14 until it sank. I had no idea what it was only that I was hitting it until it sank and I saw the log. I was within 2000 yards of it the whole time and there were CA, CL and DD around but as she slowed they all kept going.

von Zelda 12-19-19 10:32 AM

Steam Burst in the control room?
Has anyone else experienced a steam burst in your control room after taking some minor to major damage? It's an extremely load, shrill noise that does not seem to go away even when the repairs are complete.

My question is this: How do we stop this noise when repairs are complete? I've had to return to port for refit just to get rid of the noise.

This is the path to the offending sound file: SH4/Data/Sound/Steam burst

Any comments or opinions?

Update: I remembered that my Sargo had a bow 50 cal for some unknown reason did not have crew spaces. So, without a gun crew in place it was impossible to repair the gun, thus repairs were incomplete and we had to put up with the noise until refit. I did find a slightly quieter, less shrill Steam burst sound file that I used to make a JSGME mod.

propbeanie 12-19-19 07:14 PM

The Steam Burst is irritating, and when it doesn't go away, is indicative of a problem with your game, whether that would be player induced, or modder induced, I don't know. We keep discovering "anomalies" in the mod, but thankfully, the flooding has been slowed, and the pumps are back online, but the sound... :roll: - ahem... Anyway, be sure your repair crew is "fully qualified", that you have someone from each specialty with a decent rating. "Activate" them. Do not Save the game in the middle of repairs, because some of them will re-set back to their initial time-to-repair setting, such that if it is going to take 12 hours for a repair, and you "Save" the game after an 11 hour and 52 minute time frame has passed, when you next load the game, it will take the time-to-repair back to 12 hours. The weather has been known to do this also. Also, if player-induced by shelling-out to the desktop, even accidentally, or to start a video recorder app, you will have to Save the game ("oh well" to the time-to-repair issue), exit the game, re-start the game, load the Save, then allow the time-to-repair do its thing. Even then, you might not get rid of it, and have to go back to base for repairs. Remember losing the rudder? Broken prop shafts? lost propellers? They are all career-ending damage that is un-repairable, and this might be one of the irritating ones - but at least the game isn't over with it. Think of it as an audible hull damage reminder. I've been looking for the link to that particular damage, which is most difficult to test for, and have not found it yet. Possibly of help would be if you could tell which submarine you are in? Did you hear the "Pipe Steam Break.wav" before the actual "Steam" sound? I can then concentrate on that looking in that submarine. I might add a "turn down the 'Steam burst.wav' file in sh.sdl" to my task list...

As for the Brisbane problem, what I had already fixed was an S-18 mission, which you mentioned being in the Sargo when having your 2nd issue with the error... This presents a nasty situation in that I am now having to go through practically the whole set of Asiatic Fleet assignments. The Sargo out of Brisbane can be assigned "Celebes Sea", "South China Sea", "Philippines", "Sulu Sea" and the "Molucca Sea", as well as the Solomon and Bismarck Objectives. This entails testing over 100 missions, of which I am about 1/3 of the way through, so we'll eventually get there.

Along those lines, I have lost over a day to an "unanticipated" illness, in which a "fast food" scarfing establishment apparently is attempting to drive away all of their business by food-poisoning their patrons... I had a miserable 28+ hours while I "eliminated" their handiwork from my system... sigh... Just to say, that I am behind schedule now... plus, my brain ain't where it really needs to be right now anyway... Doing what I can when I can. :salute:

wzartz 12-20-19 02:04 PM

is this mod support for uboat campaign?

i almost finish my american campaign, after that i want to switch side to sink some murican ships hehehe :Kaleun_Mad:

propbeanie 12-20-19 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2640375)
Many thanks! Is it possible to add the red flares to some merchants? SH3 and SH5 have them...

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

How is this?:

I sank four ships in a convoy, 3 merch, 1 DD, and 2 of the 3 merchies shot red flares. The other 2 ships did not, so it is ship dependent now. When the next version comes out, pay attention to any frame rate hits. I did not notice any hitch at all. However, the flares go off too quickly, but it is just before the lifeboats come out... :roll: - and the announcement "She's taking on water and going down!"... lol


Originally Posted by wzartz (Post 2641153)
is this mod support for uboat campaign?

i almost finish my american campaign, after that i want to switch side to sink some murican ships hehehe :Kaleun_Mad:

Yes, you can play the German side. We did make it "compatible" with the FotRSU environment, but it is the Stock Uboat Missions Add-on Monsun Gruppe Add-On campaign, and has not had any of the spawns "fixed". You willl find ships spawning into ships in almost every harbor, as well as spawning into land and docks. About one third of the mission assignments are rather lame, such as agent insertions and supply drops, but it does "work" in a fashion... If you really want to get into a SH4 German campaign, try Fifi's re-working of OM, in Dark Waters. It's not "finished" per se, but getting really close. :salute:

propbeanie 12-20-19 06:25 PM

Here's some more fitzcarraldo. Apparently, some of the larger warships also shoot 'em. You can see my boat's U-Mark in #1 & #2...

The CL Naka:
and just as the 2nd torp hit...

The ML Okinoshima:
Two torps were needed

... and a few moments later:
I didn't catch the enormity of the explosion here either. She slipped beneath the waves just a few moments later

Just before that massive explosion:
The both of them.

Big city lights:
- er... wait, those are star shells... they're coming for me!

So that was the AD01 Tokyo Express mission, converted to FotRSU, and added to (do be careful). I can report that the Naka now functions as intended, and that the Asashio do not crash the game, and they do sink, but one of them took three hits, 'cause it has an iron chin... "down the throat" do not work on it - be forewarned!... lol :salute:

merc4ulfate 12-20-19 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2641155)
How is this?:

I sank four ships in a convoy, 3 merch, 1 DD, and 2 of the 3 merchies shot red flares. The other 2 ships did not, so it is ship dependent now. When the next version comes out, pay attention to any frame rate hits. I did not notice any hitch at all. However, the flares go off too quickly, but it is just before the lifeboats come out... :roll: - and the announcement "She's taking on water and going down!"... lol

Yes, you can play the German side. We did make it "compatible" with the FotRSU environment, but it is the Stock Uboat Missions Add-on Monsun Gruppe Add-On campaign, and has not had any of the spawns "fixed". You willl find ships spawning into ships in almost every harbor, as well as spawning into land and docks. About one third of the mission assignments are rather lame, such as agent insertions and supply drops, but it does "work" in a fashion... If you really want to get into a SH4 German campaign, try Fifi's re-working of OM, in Dark Waters. It's not "finished" per se, but getting really close. :salute:

Operation Monsun is one of my favorite all time Mods. Noting beats a Hedgehog attack in 60 feet of water. BOOM!!

merc4ulfate 12-20-19 08:06 PM

Even in past version I noticed something at Truk. There is a CL at dock that is normally within the dock or sometimes standing almost straight up in the air on fire.

There is a CV or sometimes a Chitose or seaplane tender, then this one ship embedded in the dock or in flames sticking out out of the water then sometimes a merchant then DD. In a row on the north docks.

Today I was there July '43. Finished off 2 CV, CL two DD and had one DD and Yamato to go. This was in an area east of the Dublin Docks. Just as the last DD fire from my 180 I dropped the scope as I fired a fish ... SILENCE. No pings, no sonar lines. I push the periscope back up and the DD and Yamato had disappeared in a flash.

I went to Tulugi to reload. Went back. Took out an Ise BB, Furataka, DD, Naka was trying to leave Truk are and was at least 100nm south east of truk when a plane came up. I dove ... then CTD. No clue if it was a bad save, to many tonnes, the plane or its ordinance.

propbeanie 12-20-19 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by merc4ulfate (Post 2641182)
Operation Monsun is one of my favorite all time Mods. Noting beats a Hedgehog attack in 60 feet of water. BOOM!!

You might actually survive in 60 foot of water though - blow ballast and you might make it to the surface, for all the good it'll do you though, in the game. At 600 foot though, all they have to do is ding you anywhere, and it's "curtains"... You do not make it to the surface, even it the boat does survive the hull compromising... too much water!


Originally Posted by merc4ulfate (Post 2641184)
Even in past version I noticed something at Truk. There is a CL at dock that is normally within the dock or sometimes standing almost straight up i the air on fire.

There is a CV or sometimes a Chitose or seaplane tender, then this one ship embedded in the dock or in flames sticking out out of the water then sometimes a merchant then DD. In a row on the north docks.

Today I was there July '43. Finished off 2 CV, CL two DD and had one DD and Yamato to go. This was in an area east of the Dublin Docks. Just as the last DD fire from my 180 I dropped the scope as I fired a fish ... SILENCE. No pings, no sonar lines. I push the periscope back up and the DD and Yamato had disappeared in a flash.

I went to Tulugi to reload. Went back. Took out an Ise BB, Furataka, DD, Naka was trying to leave Truk are and was at least 100nm south east of truk when a plane came up. I dove ... then CTD. No clue if it was a bad save, to many tonnes, the plane or its ordinance.

I'll revisit Truk then. You should be getting all sorts of Japanese air cover if you're inside the Atoll... These airplanes are driving me bonkers. s7rikeback did discover a non-working component on one of the Betty planes, and I may have found a sort-of "fix", which I'll be trying tomorrow. If that works, then I know what to look for on a few others. I am definitely stumped at this time though, by the Zero planes. I cannot see anything wrong with them yet, but some fly right, others are weird... :salute:

wzartz 12-23-19 06:05 AM

greetings modders of FOTRSU :salute: thnx for this wonderful mod, there may still have bug here and there but so far i loved it :subsim:, i know you guys main concern for the future updates were fixing bug glitch and such.. but i would like to request maybe in the next next future updates we could have a custom conning tower emblem like in TMO? :D i knew its very rare for US subs to had conning tower emblem in RL but you know some skippers would like to see their subs to have its own personality :D

best regards,
Wzartz :Kaleun_Salute:

mikesn9 12-23-19 07:39 AM

Guages inoperative.
first: the info, SH4 Gold, FOTRSU v1.0.1 Win 7 64 bit with LAA.

Second time it has happened. Almost out of torpedoes, over 50 K tonnage.

I have something on sonar, go to the sonar view, what I see is:
Sonar indicator pointing to 0 degree, will not rotate with mouse.
When using home/end, the pointer does not move, but bearing text in upper
left will change and note presence of sound.

I checked in Control room, all gauges point straight up. I first noticed this when I went to check rpm. At 2 knots, it showed 200 RPM. at all stop it was still 200 rpm.
I've done more checks, ALL gauges are straight up, everywhere I looked.

After I ended first patrol, did a quick return to sea.. everything worked.
I'm in Patrol 2 headed back to Pearl with gauges in-operative..

Any thoughts on this? Happen to anyone else?

propbeanie 12-23-19 08:00 AM

As a mod-induced incident, it happens when there are two submarines in the scene that are "sharing" assets, such as an AI submarine and your own submarine, with the same conning tower, or deck crew, or guns, etc. That should have been "banished" from FotRSU quite a while ago. Not saying that it couldn't possibly be that, but that it shouldn't be that.

A 2nd way that happens is if something wonks the game's running information, which is why after you save, exit, come back in and load the Save, that things are back to normal. Generally speaking, the most common way that happens is by shelling out to Windows, whether accidental or purposeful. It used to be generally accepted practice to pause the game, shell-out to windows, say for the purpose of looking up a detailed map of a given area, and then coming back into the game, but that is NOT recommended. Do not leave the game at all for any reason. If you need to leave, Save the game, exit, do what you need to, reload the game and then the Save and continue.

Another way for that to occur is if you change the game "Mode". This just refers to Career, Single Missions, Quick Patrols, Multi-player Missions, and the Museum. Each of those "Modes" load a different set of files. If you run a Single Mission and then go directly into your Saved career from the Main Menu, you will have issues, some obvious to see, but mostly the little things, like you encountered. Generally speaking, if you use the Museum, and then try to load any other "Mode" of the game, it will not run at all. My suspicion of this behavior is insufficient buffer memory handling by the game. The devs just assumed no one would use the Menu the way it's layed-out, I guess. This is much more noticeable with the larger mods... :salute:

mikesn9 12-23-19 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2641544)
As a mod-induced incident, it happens when there are two submarines in the scene that are "sharing" assets, such as an AI submarine and your own submarine, with the same conning tower, or deck crew, or guns, etc. That should have been "banished" from FotRSU quite a while ago. Not saying that it couldn't possibly be that, but that it shouldn't be that.

A 2nd way that happens is if something wonks the game's running information, which is why after you save, exit, come back in and load the Save, that things are back to normal. Generally speaking, the most common way that happens is by shelling out to Windows, whether accidental or purposeful. It used to be generally accepted practice to pause the game, shell-out to windows, say for the purpose of looking up a detailed map of a given area, and then coming back into the game, but that is NOT recommended. Do not leave the game at all for any reason. If you need to leave, Save the game, exit, do what you need to, reload the game and then the Save and continue.

Another way for that to occur is if you change the game "Mode". This just refers to Career, Single Missions, Quick Patrols, Multi-player Missions, and the Museum. Each of those "Modes" load a different set of files. If you run a Single Mission and then go directly into your Saved career from the Main Menu, you will have issues, some obvious to see, but mostly the little things, like you encountered. Generally speaking, if you use the Museum, and then try to load any other "Mode" of the game, it will not run at all. My suspicion of this behavior is insufficient buffer memory handling by the game. The devs just assumed no one would use the Menu the way it's layed-out, I guess. This is much more noticeable with the larger mods... :salute:

Well,(during both occurrences), I tried save, exit the game, restart and reload.. no help. even tried reboot the PC once.
I did NOT shell out to windows, or use the museum, or change game modes.
It was just simple career mode, both times. I never overwrite save games. I always exit to main, then windows.
I will admit, I'm not sure when the gauges when south: during play, or right after a load.

Thanks for the quick response.

wzartz 12-23-19 11:29 AM

welcome to salty spitoon how tough are you?
"i sunk two yamato in just 1 patrol.."
"with a freaking NARWHAL!!! which only had 4 forward tubes and every yamato needs at least 8 or more mark 16 torps to be sunk, sub got damaged hull to 59% couldn't go deeper and barely made it to the base :/\\!!"

and it seems i had to manually shoot the planes for that i wouldn't get a ctd.. well its not a big deal for now i mostly dived to avoid them

best regards
wzartz :arrgh!:

propbeanie 12-23-19 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by mikesn9 (Post 2641549)
Well,(during both occurrences), I tried save, exit the game, restart and reload.. no help. even tried reboot the PC once.
I did NOT shell out to windows, or use the museum, or change game modes.
It was just simple career mode, both times. I never overwrite save games. I always exit to main, then windows.
I will admit, I'm not sure when the gauges when south: during play, or right after a load.

Thanks for the quick response.

Well, in that case then, what submarine are you in, and what was your location when you noticed the gauges being "12 O'Clock High"? What base had you sailed from? Thanks :salute:


Originally Posted by wzartz (Post 2641581)
welcome to salty spitoon how tough are you?
"i sunk two yamato in just 1 patrol.."
"with a freaking NARWHAL!!! which only had 4 forward tubes and every yamato needs at least 8 or more mark 16 torps to be sunk, sub got damaged hull to 59% couldn't go deeper and barely made it to the base :/\\!!"

and it seems i had to manually shoot the planes for that i wouldn't get a ctd.. well its not a big deal for now i mostly dived to avoid them

best regards
wzartz :arrgh!:

Emperor Hirohito to Prince Fushimi Hiroyasu: "Looks to me like you had better take that Shinano carrier and turn it back into a BB so that wzartz has something left to shoot at later!..." :roll:

jldjs 12-23-19 12:23 PM

Where did the enemy go?
FotRSU full release. Started from Freemantle 7/26/42 on a new Tambor, upgrading from a Gar. First patrol was to South China Sea. On first 2, of 8 total assigned patrols, I sank 4 ships. Third patrol was to Gulf of Siam, then back to South China Sea, Gulf of Tonkin, Luzon Straights, over to Kowloon Hong Kong area, and finally to Sulu Sea, where I got low on fuel. No ships of any kind were encountered though I completed all of the 5 day patrols, but with no sinkings! Only occasional aircraft. And, I did look real hard for targets!
Proceeded back to Freemantle to dock. If the war had ended, no one told me!:doh:

von Zelda 12-23-19 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by mikesn9 (Post 2641540)
Sonar indicator pointing to 0 degree, will not rotate with mouse. When using home/end, the pointer does not move, but bearing text in upper left will change and note presence of sound.

I checked in Control room, all gauges point straight up. I've done more checks, ALL gauges are straight up, everywhere I looked.

After I ended first patrol, did a quick return to sea.. everything worked.
I'm in Patrol 2 headed back to Pearl with gauges in-operative..

Happen to anyone else?

I had exactly the same experience early in my career (early 1942). Happened 2 or 3 times until I got a new boat. IIRC, it was in the Sargo class sub in the Solomon Seas to Bismark area out of Brisbane. Didn't mention it cause I was already complaining about too many other small problems.

Note to Propbeanie: I never do all those bad things you suggest. Always exit game properly, etc. Thanks.

propbeanie 12-23-19 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by jldjs (Post 2641606)
FotRSU full release. Started from Freemantle 7/26/42 on a new Tambor, upgrading from a Gar. First patrol was to South China Sea. On first 2, of 8 total assigned patrols, I sank 4 ships. Third patrol was to Gulf of Siam, then back to South China Sea, Gulf of Tonkin, Luzon Straights, over to Kowloon Hong Kong area, and finally to Sulu Sea, where I got low on fuel. No ships of any kind were encountered though I completed all of the 5 day patrols, but with no sinkings! Only occasional aircraft. And, I did look real hard for targets!
Proceeded back to Freemantle to dock. If the war had ended, no one told me!:doh:

Well, here is an overview of the general area on July 1, 1942 with the Convoys, Merchants & Troopship layers:

Notice that there are areas completely void of any shipping at all, and some areas that you can't help but run into something... Also note that the USN hierarchy was known to send subs to "dead" areas, thinking that the Japanese "must be using the resources there"... about all you'll find in the Gulf of Tonkin is sampan and fishing boats... :salute:


Originally Posted by von Zelda (Post 2641618)
I had exactly the same experience early in my career (early 1942). Happened 2 or 3 times until I got a new boat. IIRC, it was in the Sargo class sub in the Solomon Seas to Bismark area out of Brisbane. Didn't mention it cause I was already complaining about too many other small problems.

Note to Propbeanie: I never do all those bad things you suggest. Always exit game properly, etc. Thanks.

OK, mikesn9 had a Tambor out of Pearl, you had a Sargo (maybe) out of Brisbane... The home ports are about the only places that there could be an AI sub conflict on the US side, so we'll start there. Thanks guys! :salute:

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