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File Name: Improved Stock Environment v3 (Unknown Size) Download
Author: Caustic (Uploaded by Caustic)
Date Added: 05-18-12
Downloads: 5576
Grade: B-
Improved Stock Environment(ISE) v3
by Caustic and Traveller (Clouds v1.1)
-New textures for in-game effects(Fog,Smoke,fire,Explosions,Debris, and Seafoam)
-Enhanced sky and cloud textures
-New water textures
-Added realistic moon texture with new shader
-Improved ship wakes with high resolution textures
-Reduced the amount of underwater impurities for cleaner visibility
-Increased the amount of debris from destroy ships
-Added realistic environmental and sub sounds
-Greatly reduced the stock lightshafts for a more realistic appearence
-The sky is now visible from underwater
-Replaced stock terrain textures
-Modified env color file to provide more realistic night environments
-Reduced the size of underwater seaplants

This version is for the stock game (SH4 v1.5), do not use with any other supermod or environmental mod. The mod is compatible with RSRDC and mods that only change the gameplay mechanics

-Extract to Generic Mod Enabler folder
or C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Silent Hunters Wolves of the Pacific\Data

Improved Stock Environment v3 by Caustic on 05-18-12

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Jax von May
02-14-15 at 03:47 PM
using with OM (with ISE clouds and colors I think) - have some fog too, but it does not stay more than 2-3 days, its winter in the Arctic, makes sense...
05-20-12 at 03:28 PM
Hey Caustic...

Wonderful work, I love it, but I just got 1 Question:

there's been "light" fog like for 2 consecutive weeks and I just cant sink any ship because for me to be able to lock him and make calculations for TDC, I must be like 50m away form it and torpedoes don't have enough time to armed.

Is this long lasting "light" fog normal??

Tnx a lot
05-20-12 at 09:43 PM
I've never encountered such an issue in my game, running this mod. Mabye something in your mod list is conflicting with improved stock environment.
05-22-12 at 11:13 PM
I really need some clues here.

The only mod I've got installed is TMO 2.5 and yours (any version). I guess some file got corrupted or something, because, when I start a patrol, everything is fine, clear skies and seas, but whenever "light" fog arrives for the first time, it won't disappear.... never. I can't sink any ship in those circumstances.

Any idea?

Tnx for your help.
05-23-12 at 02:56 PM
Please use this version of the mod with TMO or RFB, let me know if that helps.
05-26-12 at 08:50 AM
Very nice mod with no reported bugs. It runs smooth and elegant and the envoronmental changes are immediately noticable with rich colors, more detail and overall better weather effects.

The explosions and flames are enhanced, but not overboard. Altogether this mod has been done with common sense and a good eye for detail.

The fog is good, deep and very misty indeed...great! It makes visibility much harder and gives an edge of immersion. Easy though...just use hydrophones to detect those ships and close in on them. I was then sinking them at like 600 yrds...a whole convoy went down in that fog..haha.

So...Nice envoronment mod. Good work. Recommended.
05-26-12 at 08:52 AM
Very nice mod with no reported bugs. It runs smooth and elegant and the environmental changes are immediately noticable with rich colors, more detail and overall better weather effects.

The explosions and flames are enhanced, but not overboard. Altogether this mod has been done with common sense and a good eye for detail.

The fog is good, deep and very misty indeed...great! It makes visibility much harder and gives an edge of immersion. Easy though...just use hydrophones to detect those ships and close in on them. I was then sinking them at like 600 yrds...a whole convoy went down in that fog..haha.

So...Nice environment mod. Good work. Recommended.

reposted due to spelling errors
05-27-12 at 02:42 PM
Caustic, that one is working just fine. Din't whant happened, either way I had to deactivate all mods and installing them all again. That was a crazy thing, who knows how that got stuck lol.

Either way, that's an excellent mod.

11-02-12 at 11:05 AM
Great job men. but this mod get a new skin and others features to the game. Not news or fix skin to the american subs. if you can get a new mod but to the skins of the germany sub and to the american subs
08-29-12 at 06:11 AM
I'm new to modding the games and think this is excellent and thank you for this mod. However I do like the effect of the original underwater impurities as its stated. Yes its harder to see but I love the effect of it, makes it seem more real, is it possible to remove that little bit so I have the rest of it without that change?
09-07-12 at 09:08 AM
Yes, you can keep the original impurities effect after deleting the file <Improved Stock Environment_v3\data\Misc\>

Uninstall the mod first, delete the file; then reinstall. You should see the original impurities in-game.

08-28-13 at 10:50 AM
Works with SH4 Patched to 1.4 , I deleted some sound files.
09-15-13 at 03:27 PM
Guys this mod "download" is loaded w/a Trojan virus...don't close it out or it will load into your registry: use Ctl, Alt, Delete and then Log Out. Bummer; would hv liked to have tried the mod.
09-30-13 at 01:00 PM
The mod is not loaded with a virus. Check your computer SilentOne for a trojan downloader.
02-01-14 at 12:17 PM
Congratulations on this Mod is just fantastic that see you a drawback is that the fog is very persistent day after day and that hinders the visibility field.Moreover, it is a marvel.
03-14-14 at 10:21 AM
Having same trbl with fog and this is the only mod I have.
06-30-14 at 11:47 AM
im very new how do i install this pleeeease
08-28-14 at 08:55 AM
very nice mod
12-26-14 at 05:16 PM
also having the fog issue... Is there anything I can look for in any of the files that I could tweak by hand?
10-16-14 at 03:45 PM
Good job!
03-29-15 at 04:28 PM
Fog, Fog, and more Fog. Time to reinstall to original.
03-29-15 at 04:31 PM
Fog, Fog, and more Fog. Time to reinstall to original. Could we all be wrong?
03-31-15 at 03:48 PM
Does anyone know how to get rid of this fog problem? Or, does anyone have the default folder to replace this mess? I know I should've backed it up.
04-08-15 at 04:47 PM
Ok that's what I did. I tried this mod alone and the Vanilla version of the game. The thing is I'm having problems with fog in both. If you are navigating south from china, japan and so, you will find there is a lot of fog, because it is meant to be. The rare thing is to catch up those latitudes without fog mates: D. AND I know it is bothering but that's what it is. If you want to sink any vessel in those conditions you better try it by other methods. It's not impossible, but harder than in fair weather.
04-08-15 at 04:54 PM
By the way, if i'm not wrong you can reset the weather by pressing CTRL + N and than all should be fine. It is strongly recommended to do this being at a stealth depth
09-01-15 at 11:54 AM
can't download
01-11-16 at 12:15 PM
Constant fog makes this mod useless. Using with OM 7. Fix please!
01-30-16 at 08:19 PM
Hi folks.

Using this mod and only this mod (along with the other two improved stock environment downloads), I think I found the file that's causing the fog:


I haven't actually used the scene.dat file that comes with this particular mod, but the one from improved stock environments: new clouds + waves. That file contains only a scene.dat file and I think it's that one that is causing issues that creates infinite fog. If you install this mod, simply just install this one and the realistic colors mod or whatever else you want too. Just don't install the new clouds + waves addon mentioned above. And/or avoid replacing scene.dat all together

It looks kind of funky without that particular file put in use but it's leagues better than the stock game.

Give it a shot! Lemme know if that helps. It did for me.
03-31-16 at 12:11 PM
merci !!!
Ray Krieger
02-14-17 at 09:12 PM
Nice Environment!!!

DownloadsII 5.1.0 by CyberRanger & Jelle
Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin
Graphics by Danlisa

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