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  • Every effort is made to ensure your safety but use these files at your own risk.
  • All contents are in zip files, so you can scan for viruses before unzipping.
  • Enjoy!

SUBSIM Mod Manager

Are you a mod maker or mission designer? To get access to upload your mods, click here to become one of the Modmen!


Is there a mod stuck on mediafire or Filefront or storage site that you know of? What happens if the storage account owner abandons the mod and it GOES AWAY FOREVER? Let us know so we can add it here and be sure it is preserved.


Many of the mods here have the author listed as 'Unknown'. If the author sees these or if anyone knows who did a particular mod, please PM me so I can give proper credit.

Main | Legacy Downloads | Utilities | Category Tree | Stats | Search
Category Description Files
Gameplay mods

Gameplay mods
Mods that change the nature of the game, tweak realism, and generate more excitement. 2
Missions and Maps

Missions and Maps
Single player missions and new patrol zones to keep the hunt going. 2
Sound FX Mods

Sound FX Mods
New crew voices, menu music, gramophone tracks, audio radio traffic, environment sounds, and audio effects. In a sub, sound is everything. 8
Mega Mods

Mega Mods
These mods suites have sound, graphics, and gameplay tweaks all thrown in for your undersea enjoyment. 0

DownloadsII 5.1.0 by CyberRanger & Jelle
Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin
Graphics by Danlisa

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