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Old 05-11-21, 08:13 AM   #32
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Catfish, traditional doctors raised by the classic, industry-influenced paradigm at university all warn of how dangerous supplements are in general. The food and pharmaceutical industry pay over 95% of all medical studies underttaken! There lobbyists are in politics, media and educaiton, and they influence massively the training curriculae at unversities. That is as classical a conflict of interests as "classical" can mean.

I said a lot about Vit-D in the past 12 months, and all what I said I quote from academic, medical, practioner sources, nothing of it has grown on my own intellectual property. In the Wuhan virus thread I mentioned it repeatedly as well. I have three thick books just on vitamine D on my shelves now, two of them by the Einstein of Vitamine D research, Michael Hollick, he is the driving force behind it since 50 years.

Thate doctors who warned you, most likely told you BS, due to his own limited understanding of it (nutrition and prevention play almost no role in studying medicine at university). Especialyl in germany,l the generla atottude ion nutrient supplementation is extrneely phobic, and oriented towards mininmalist doses that do not even cover the minimum biological needs. Endless German concerns, concerns, and more concerns. If you really want to blow up in anger, just read the garbage released be the DGE(German Food Association), it really gets me fuming nowadays. Dubious, obscure, suspicious, I would even call it almost criminal, but its Am erican counterpart is not any better, what they still publish on "healthy"fats and limiting salt and grains and cereals, kills people by the many thousands every year via karciovascular deseased, hypertension, strokes, obesity, and diabetes. THEY MAKE PEOPLE ILL.

At 10.000 iE of Vit-D daily, and assuming you are blessed with non-ill organs, you must not fear problems. There are still the old myths floating around sometimes, namely the risk of hypercalcemia, and yes, Vitamine D can effect other variables as well in the metabolism, in the blood fats, the glucose metabolism. Heck, what else to expect, it is a bloody steroid-hormone, it is of omnipotent relevance! I have written so often now on why taking higher doses and why these still are safe to take, that I do not repeat it all another time here once again. I have linked to videos by Dr. Serheult (last tiem he was asked he said he takes 5 or 6 thousand units although living in some sunshine place: he had low calcidiol levels nevertehless, he said) and I think I listed some others in the Wuhan thread. I gave a head-up on this book (in German): The authors are not just any unknowns from outer space, they are luminaries in their branches. Hollick was the Big Bang of Vitamine D research in modern time.Severla of the key discoveries sinc the 780s, have been booked by him and his team.

I just say this (again): the body is prepared by nature to handle 20.000 IE per day. taking more is safe, but most likely useless (costs more money for nothing). A growing risk is not to be expected below up to 40.000 IE per day over any months, or as one-time-doses of 100-150 thousand IE in one day (fully reversible symptoms in case of the latter). Vitamine D must be combined with Magnesium, the storage form of it that you swallow in a pill or produce via the sun can metabolically not be used, must be activated before that, and for that Magnesium is a must. Vitamine K2 helps additionally, but is, at these doses, not really essential. Its maximum dose beyond which K2 turns poisonous is still not knowm, but the ylooked very high already, and did not yet find the limit, so you risk nothing there except a few pennies. It helps to keepo the Calcium mint he biones, and get Calcium in the blood transported into the bones (and teeth). But it is not the only but essential actor for this.

And I also say this: if you want to be safe, then do not speculate, but measure. A Vitamine-D test can be asked for easily, can even be ordered for use at home, at the doc it costs around 25-30 Euros. My dentist offers it as well, that relevant he considers good Calcidiol levels! Wer wissen will, muß messen. . Many Vitamine-D doctors say they want Calcidiol levels of at least 40-60 ngr/ml, and your daily dose to reach that depends on your ammount of body fattness, and metabolic rate. I have taken since long time 10,000-15,000 IE per day, on average 12500 over the past 6 months or so, and this March, as I reported in the Wuhan thread I think, I had a robust Calcidiol level of 73 ng/ml, which is a bombastically good value: it is above the mere academically wanted minimums of 40-60, and still significantly below threat levels that according to some sources are starting to become a valid concern from 100 on, others say 120 or even 150.

If your doctor tells you taking 10.000 IE per day is a rik for you but he does not give you a valid diagnosis for any health conditions of yours that organically put you at risk, then do like I did early this year: say him farewell and find yourselfelf a new doctor. Dogmatical defenders of outdated paradigms and business lobbies designed to protect the profit interests of industry, are not a benefit for your health. Doctors are only humans, you know. They can err, and they can not know something. Absolutely possible.

Avoid Calcidiol levels of 30 or deeper at all cost. They should be seen as very serious health risks.

I aimed at 70-80, and with 73 I landed right on the mark: 12500 IE per day, metabolically usable Magnesium ca. 800 mg, Vit-K2 200 mcgr, I am male, age 54, 177cm, weight back then was 87 kg (slightly overweight at that time, now am at 76 and falling ), abdominal girth 104 cm (back then). This gives you an idea.

I do not worry about calcidiol levels up to 80-90, at worse I produce expensive urine. The body by nature is made to handle 20.000 IE per day, this is established knoweldge and verified in practice, and this is what correpspnds with the Calcidiol levels in primtive tribes beign exposed to high-UV light all day long while walkign around almost naked. I probably reduce to 10000 any time soon, due to my no longer existent fat reserves.

Never forget one thing: if you are healthy, the industry cannot make economic profit from you. And vitamines and minerals cannot be patented, cannot be used to make fortunes with. They want to sell expensive drugs with long lists of health risks and side effects. At your expense.

Dont worry, dont be so easily intimidated. Use your reason, get some education on the matter, and then add 1 and 1 together.

Nutrition, food, nutrients, supplementation is a wide field. University and medical paradigms do not even get close to adequatly reflect their relevance. Prevention and healing and maintaining health is not high on the agenda, the big money lies in endlessly treating symptoms only - while leaving the causes untouched. That maintains the customer base.

Check your Calcidiol level once a year. Thats how I do it now. He who wants to know, must measure.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 05-11-21 at 08:38 AM.
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