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Old 06-29-13, 02:18 PM   #3
Admirable Mike
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Default Opportunity knocks

This is for those (most of us) who have not perfected hitting things with the torpedoes.

That longish ride through the harbors to get out to sea have another purpose besides sight seeing. You have the chance to try things out.

For instance, you can use those friendly ships out there for practice in guessing angles on the bow, range, and course/speed. Just don't fire.

You can test the amount of time your boat lasts on battery power at the various speeds. (once you get into deeper waters)

You can check out and test the mods installed, looking for the features mentioned and how they work.

You can look around the boat and talk to crew to get the morale boosts, instead of doing later at sea or forgetting.

You can review what type of equipment you have aboard and the features, range, speed, and so on.

For instance, I learned that running at 'decks awash' depth of the default of 7 meters (TDW UIC mods) means charging the batteries. That is important! I set mine for 8 meters and it still worked, mind you the depth meter read 7 all the time. What matters is that it was tested without the enemy being around.

I also want to test the crash dive, keys, depth, teleporting inside. (again TDW UI mod) and found that it didn't teleport me and so didn't dive. Not satisfied, I am continuing to play around with it until I learn exactly how to get down there fast. I don't want to die, lose a campaign, and then blame the mods!

The crash dive plan can be 'adjusted' in the file file that can be found in the data\scripts\menu folder. Just do a search for "crash" and read. He (TDW) has put in all the necessary items. My mistake was teleporting to the observation scope position. I then realized it was raised at full speed!! To avoid breakage, I lowered it. Instantly put back on bridge as was intended. All I had to do was edit the .py file to teleport to the attack scope instead. It doesn't rise automatically.

So don't stare around and play seagull. Make it count.
My stuff:

Last edited by raymond6751; 06-29-13 at 03:42 PM. Reason: oops & findings
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