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Old 03-13-10, 09:41 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Stiebler View Post
NYGM version 3.0 Released!

Because many people who use NYGM have slower computers, or slow internet connections, NYGM 3.0 has been released as an *overlay* for the existing full version NYGM 2.5 'FULON' stand-alone version.

If you have already installed NYGM 2.6B onto NYGM 2.5, then you can un-install it with JSGME, but it doesn't matter if you forget (NYGM 3.0 contains the 2.6B additions).

Download NYGM3_0.7z from my signature, unzip it with 7-Zip or WinRAR, and copy it into your folder silenthunteriii\mods. Then install the mod with JSGME.

*In addition*, you can download those ships from Iambecomelife's New Merchant Fleet that we have re-zoned and/or given the special sinking NYGM slow-sinking model. The package is also available by clicking on my signature, and the file is named IABLShipsforNYGM3.7z. Install it in the same way as NYGM 3.0 (you *must* install it AFTER NYGM 3.0). This package contaisn a good selection of IABL's ships, and a new campaign file.

Don't forget to read the manual!

New users.
You should install NYGM 2.5 stand-alone version onto a clean install of Silent Hunter III patched with Ubisoft's 1.4b patch. You will also need to read the NYGM 2 and NYGM 2.4/2.5 manuals supplied with NYGM 2.5.

New Features (just a reminder of what I copied earlier):

1. The new Type XXIII boat.
2. The Real Weather Fix.
3. Racerboy's exhaust smoke for all U-boats. (Used with permission.)
4. Iambecomelife's new merchant fleet, incorporated into convoys.
5. Key changes made to stop the way in which a U-boat could pass into a convoy from the front, at periscope depth, without ever being detected by the front escort. You will have to be much more careful now.
6. Schnorchelling improved, so that the crew doesn't die of exhaustion in stormy weather. (This is much more complicated than it sounds.)
7. 'Bold' asdic decoy made much more realistic with new, unpublished, research.
8. More realistic battery ranges underwater.
9. SH3Patrol program updated with new patrol grids for the Type XXIII boat. (Also other changes.)
10. New updates for NYGM for those who use SH3Commander.
11. The east-coast minefield mod included, marks the giant British east-coast minefields on your map.

There are numerous small changes, fixes, adjustments to the campaign files and air power, and similar.

I go to your d/l site but do not see the update.

Thank you
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