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Rwearjr 08-10-23 04:25 AM

500 Days at Sea! Schiff30 has really proven herself a great asset to the Kriegsmarine. As the dark days of Sep-Oct 1939 approach, she will have many more opportunities to do so. If I may ask CPTLTJason, why the prohibition on sailing the Suez canal?

CPTLTJASON 08-10-23 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Rwearjr (Post 2880085)
500 Days at Sea! Schiff30 has really proven herself a great asset to the Kriegsmarine. As the dark days of Sep-Oct 1939 approach, she will have many more opportunities to do so. If I may ask CPTLTJason, why the prohibition on sailing the Suez canal?

The main reason is that I wouldn't be able to accurately make it work in the game simply cause the Suez Canal isn't modeled in the game nevertheless i could try and actually it would actually be appropriate since the ship is currently disguised as Deutsche Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft Hansa freighter and that is the route they took from Bremen-Calcutta.


Rwearjr 08-11-23 04:48 AM

Ty for the reply sir :Kaleun_Salute: I only asked because I thought perhaps not going through Suez was somehow connected to the storyline. If going through there may cause an issue with SH5, then by all means Gilbrater!
Enjoying the great story, along with many other SubSimmers here as well Im sure.

CPTLTJASON 09-04-23 08:12 PM

4 Attachment(s)
13.3.1937 South Atlantic 38°3’S, 2°15’E 559th. day at sea

Schiff 30 has been sinking Spanish bound shipping in the Indian Ocean and in the Bay of Bengal. Since the last report Schiff 30 has sunk over 150.000 grt of shipping.

After dismissing the prize “Bordeaux” on 5.1., Schiff 30 continued east-northeast towards the Bay of Bengal. On 6.1. one of the Heinkel He 114b seaplanes was catapulted on reconnaissance sighting 1 British tanker, 1 British liner, and 1 Dutch freighter, these were not operated on. That evening the radar was deployed and after 2 1/2 hrs. nothing was detected The following day the Skl. informed Kapitan.z.S Hartmann that a supply ship will be met at Treffpunkt “Sonnenblume” on 1.3. and that Schiff 30 is to remain operational in the Indian Ocean.

At 2125 the Skl. signaled that Prizes I and II had been taken in escort and Prize III was met by the destroyer Z 12 off Jan Mayern Island. Sailing on the dark night was illuminated by a Dutch liner which passed the H.K. at a distance of 55 hm. On 9.1. the II. W.O. L.z.S Treager sighted the British freighter “Benington” of the Ben Line passing very close at a distance of only 10 hm. At 1720 the raider suffered a rudder failure and was swiftly brought under control. The following morning Mtr.H.Gfr Muller of the Bb. Bridge watch sighted a Dutch liner the Reichskriegsflagge was hoisted and a warning shot fired over the bows the Dutch liner turned away and hoisted the flag of the Spanish Republicans. 2 more warning shots were fired but were ignored, Feuerlaubnis! 19 salvos from the fore 15cm cannons brough the Spaniard to a halt, it would take another 32 shells for the liner to sink to the bottom. She was the “Agustin Dominquez” 17.107 grt from Hong Kong to Barcelona.

On 13.1. Schiff 30 marked 500 days at sea the occasion was celebrated after an inspection by the Kommandant of the crew lined along the after decks in their summer uniforms. However, the jovial mood would not last long.

On 14.1. at 0430 Stbs.O.Strm Knorr sighted a freighter approaching fast bearing 054°T at 0500 hrs. the war flag was set, one warning shot fired over the bows, and the vessel was signaled to heave to. The vessel, hoisting a Dutch flag complied and quickly came to a halt. 5 minutes later the Investigation and Demolition commandos were disembarked. At 0511 hrs. shots could be heard from the freighter, Hartmann immediately maneuvered the raider towards the Dutchman’s starboard side and just as in the Golden Age of Piracy at 0525 a heavily armed boarding commando boarded the enemy with grapnels and gangplanks the Stb. 10.5cm, and 2cm along with the 3.7cm anti-aircraft guns dropped camouflage and raked the decks of the enemy freighter

By 0533 the Spanish resistance was suppressed. By 0553 the ship, still flying the Dutch flag split in half and sunk.

3 of the Investigation Commando fell and were buried at sea.

Leutnant.z.S Meyer
O.Fldwl Fischer
Mtr.O.Gfr Hass

After interrogation of the master, it was determined that the reason for the Spanish resistance was a mutiny aboard the vessel by the crew that was loyal to the Spanish Republicans, none survived. They were led by the 1st. mate. The freighter was identified as “Palma” 4.037 grt. On 16.1. the Dutch freighter “Texel” 6.450 grt was stopped and searched it was determined that the vessel was enroute from Batavia to Valencia loaded with 5.000t of rubber and 1.200 t of tin, this cargo was transferred to Schiff 30 and the vessel was scuttled the following morning. During this time the Skl. sent the much awaited radio message ordering Schiff 30 to cease operations in the Indian Ocean and begin the long voyage to the Mediterranean Sea. On 22.1. Schiff 30 arrived at Treffpunkt “Apfel” and daily reconnaissance was carried out while the ship was cleaned and the diesels overhauled. The off duty crew was given 3 days leave aboard. On 25.1. a Blue Funnel Liner was sighted sailing east towards Sumatra. In the morning of the 26th. the Skl. sent another radio message with orders for the upcoming mission. On 28.1. Prize V arrived and then the following day the “Ehrenfels” arrived transferring prize officers, supplies, and ammunition. Prize V was refueled and ordered to the Canary Islands.

Up until 15.2. Schiff 30 remained at Treffpunkt “Apfel” the crew carrying out artillery, torpedo, and even minelaying exercises. Then Schiff 30 began the march to the east. By 21.2. Schiff 30 passed Rodriquez Island and rounded well south of the Cape of Good Hope on 3.3.
on 8.3. Schiff 30 and the “Altmark” met and took over 2.203 cbm of diesel fuel and 1.233 cbm of lubrication oil. Several crates of aircraft spare parts were taken over. By 9.3. the oiling and loading was completed and the “Altmark” sailed back to Germany.

Schiff 30 resumed the march to the Central Atlantic and is expected off the Canary Islands by 1.4.

The situation in Spain is slowly turning towards the Nationalists with Franco’s armies taking Malaga. The Condor Legion dominates the skies. An advance into Jarama leads to a stalemate where the Republicans briefly gain the upper hand with aircraft arriving from the Soviet Union.

CPTLTJASON 09-12-23 09:54 PM

2 Attachment(s)
7.4.1937 Central Atlantic Corvo Island 39°43’N, 31°5’W 595th. day at sea

Schiff 30’s passage through the South Atlantic went smoothly, the raider crossed once equator once again on 23.3. two days later on 25.3. the Argentine Liner “Rio Plata” was sighted, the only ship sighted during the passage to the Azores. On 2.4. the Kommandant orders the camouflage of the ship changed to that of an anonymous British freighter:

Paint and camouflage of the ship:
1.) Outer hull black
2.) Superstructure and bridge white
3.) Smokestack black and length unchanged
4.) On deck ventilators, winches, etc. yellow
5.) Cargo booms put up

After an inspection by the Kommandant, Schiff 30 sailed for Corvo Island where the crew would get some much needed shore leave. On 6.4. Schiff 30 arrives off the Azores and anchors in 50 fathoms of water on the northern tip of Corvo Island. One V-Boot was launched for inspection of the hull. While Picket boats I-IV were used to ferry the off duty crew to shore and V-Boot Nr. II under the command of L.z.S(ing) Adams was sent ashore and was tasked with cutting trees down for timber.

During the time the raider was at Corvo Island it flew the British flag from her mainmast. The Kommandant, I. Offz., Navigation officers, and division officers held a conference for the next operational phase of the ship. On 18.4. the crew is recalled and a muster was held. All were present and accounted for.

The I. Offz. reported all decks ready to sail. At 0600 hrs. the ship departed for the Mediterranean Sea as Corvo Island disappeared over the horizon, the raids that would gain the merchant raider enduring fame were about to begin..................
Schiff 30 in the South Atlantic after crossing the equator.
Schiff 30 anchored Corvo Island

Rwearjr 09-15-23 05:02 AM


CPTLTJASON 09-20-23 08:38 PM

6 Attachment(s)
28.4.1937 Mediterranean Sea 38°1’S, 10°46’E 605th. day at sea

On 23.4. Schiff 30 sails into the Gulf of Cadiz. The following day the first real signs of the Spanish Civil War came into view, a Nationalist warship came into sight followed by an unidentified warship, several warships and merchant ships, and 2 Nationalist gunboats. At 1300 hrs. the raider was in the Strait of Gibraltar. At that same time 2 Nationalist gunboats sailed astern and followed Schiff 30 for most of the transit through the Strait. By 1533 hrs. The Rock of Gibraltar came into view and by 1721 hrs. the ship exited the Strait of Gibraltar and entered the Alboran Sea. The following day the Kommandant requested operational orders from the Skl. the Skl. gave Hartmann the area between 8°E, 31°E. Schiff 30 began her work in at once. A freighter was sighted in position 37°44’N, 3°22’E the Soviet freighter “Kosmolov” 7.900 grt was stopped, searched, and scuttled with demolition charges. On 28.5 the Soviet liner “Stepanov” 8.889 grt was shelled and sunk after an attempt to stop the vessel failed and the Soviet turned and began to run from Schiff 30. This vessel was transporting troops, tanks, and supplies from Odessa. Only 8 survived. No sooner had Schiff 30 departed the sinking location of the troop transport that a Spanish tanker was sighted and sunk she was the “Cadiz” 8.957 grt from Batum to Valencia loaded with 10.000 t of gasoline and 300 t of lubrication oils. Less than an hour later another target comes into view, the Soviet freighter “Smirnoff” 4.800 grt transporting war materials was stopped, searched, and scuttled.
Shortly after noon, A column of smoke was sighted of the starboard bow, after stopping the tanker an hour later it was identified as the Republican tanker “Campos” 10.200 grt travelling in ballast to Batum. Kapitan.z.S Hartmann decided to take the tanker prize and use it as a supply ship, a prize crew under L.z.S.(S) Kasch was assembled and Prize VI is dismissed to La Spezia to take on supplies, fuel, and lubrication oils for the raider.

Schiff 30 continues its path of destruction against Republican shipping.

CPTLTJASON 09-22-23 10:37 PM

3 Attachment(s)
29.4.1937 Mediterranean Sea 38°1’S, 10°46’E 605th. day at sea

After passing SSE of Malta, A lone British freighter was sighted and due to the darkness could not be identified. On the 30th. the Italian freighter “Fontana” was sighted, shortly after the republican freighter “El Castillo” 5.523 grt was shelled and sunk after it failed to stop. this vessel was loaded with 6 Soviet planes destined for the Republican air force. 30 minutes later the tanker “Fernando V” 4.500 grt was also shelled and sunk after it attempted to send radio messages.

The relentless German merchant raider continued to push into the Mediterranean Sea on 1.5. the republican liner “Dominguez de Cadiz” 8.800 grt was stopped and captured. Prize VII was put under the command of Oblt.z.S Berger and the 1048 captured Soviet and Spanish sailors were placed aboard and Prize VII was dismissed to Palam on the Island of Majorca. Before leaving the cargo of rifles, pistols, and ammunition of various calibers were thrown overboard and the Prize Commando was heavily armed in the event of an attempted mutiny.

Several prisoners stated that off the coast of Greece there were several republican vessels anchored their purpose was not known, Hartmann decided to sail into the Ionian Sea and investigate the claim.

CPTLTJASON 09-27-23 08:54 AM

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10.5.1937 Mediterranean Sea 34°38’S, 31°27’E 617th. day at sea

Sailing for the Ionian Sea Schiff 30 began the hunt for the mysterious Republican freighters. On 3.5. in the early hours of the morning, a large shadow was sighted and Schiff 30 stopped astern of the target and the raider extinguished her lights. The Bridge Radio Room reported that there was radio chatter in Spanish it appears that there are 3 ships here and they will depart tomorrow morning. Since Schiff 30 is in Greek territorial waters Hartmann decided to follow the ships into international waters and stop them for inspection. At 2005 hrs. in 36°25’N, 20°39’E all three ships were stopped with shots over the bow, the three Spanish vessels quickly stopped, three Investigation Commandos were launched, all three ships were identified as “Torres II” 4.400 grt, “Perez de Bilbao” 4.500 grt, and “Castillo de Cruz” 4.500 grt all were loaded with gold, silver, and Spanish currency these vessels were taken prize and the valuable cargo was transferred aboard Schiff 30. These gold transports were destined for Odessa. On 6.5. the Spanish freighter “Alonso XII” 4.400 grt was sunk with demolition charges.

Schiff 30 will now drift towards the island of Cyprus for the remainder of the month. Afterwards the raider will embark on a secret operation.
Investigation Commandos are disembarked from Schiff 30
Three gold transports burning after the valuable cargo is taken aboard.
Schiff 30 drifting in the swells of the Mediterranean Sea

CPTLTJASON 09-30-23 07:33 PM

2 Attachment(s)
20.6.1937 Mediterranean Sea 627th. day at sea.

Since our last report, Schiff 30 has been drifting in the Mediterranean Sea having drifted for almost a month Kapitan.z.S Hartmann decided to return to the area south of Malta to sink further republican shipping.

Another round of sinkings occurred east of Malta on 5.6. the republican freighter “Trevinio Mendi“ 7 400 grt loaded with 9.000 t of military equipment from Odessa to Alicante her cargo included 4 soviet aircraft, tanks, small arms and a hefty quantity of ammunition. Later that afternoon the Swedish liner “Halmstad” 13.420 grt was stopped and inspected. This caused some unwanted effects, the Investigation Officer L.z.S Schmidt and 1 Port. U.O. and 2 sailors were photographed in their Kriegsmarine uniforms as they made their way up to the bridge to make matters worse over 300 passengers and crew went to the railings and took pictures of the German merchant raider. Nevertheless
the German raider continued her work, late that same afternoon Schiff 30 passed a Portuguese freighter, three days later another Republican freighter was stopped and taken prize, the freighter “Villaneuva Mendi” 7.700 grt loaded with 2.000 t of gold 2.000 t of silver from the Spanish Gold reserves this was to pay for more aircraft, tanks, etc. the motorship had once been part of the British Ben Line’s “Bennington” which ran on the line’s Far East routes. 3 hours later the “Castillo de Eizaguirre” 6.500 grt was sent to the bottom

On 10.6 the radar was used again and it picked up a target bearing 302°T range 300 hm. after a pursuit which was guided by the Seetakt radar, the freighter was identified as a British freighter which was sailing in the direction of Alexandria in the afternoon Kapitan.z.S Hartmann requested that arrangements be made for entry into Operations Area B. At 1728 hrs. the Republican liner “Mar Atlantico” 8.800 grt was stopped, searched, and taken prize. The prize was dismissed to Treffpunkt “India”. On the 12th. a freighter came out of a fog bank, flying the republican flag, after chasing the vessel and firing 10 15cm salvos the “Agustin Mendi” 4.400 grt was sent to the bottom.

Sailing further east Schiff 30 stopped in position 33°41’N, 28°48’E and a change in camouflage to that of an anonymous republican freighter

Paint and camouflage of the ship:
1.) Outer hull black.
2.) White superstructure
3.) Smokestack black, shortened, and the emblem of the Compania
Maritima del Nervion painted white.
4.) On deck hatches, ventilators, winches, etc. painted gray
5.) Masts and booms light yellow
6.) Republican merchant flag hoisted on the mainmast
7.) Name “Mar Pacifico” and Valencia was painted for identification.

On the 18th. the BBC and Reuters reported from a Republican radio broadcast that “Rebel pirate ships are sinking numerous Soviet and Spanish freighters and tankers south of Malta”

The political and military situation in Spain was to get worse and very tense on 24.5 a Republican air raid hit the Italian freighter “Barletta” 6 Italian officers died. Later that day two Soviet aircraft piloted by Soviet pilots attacked the Panzerschiffe “Deutschland” 31 sailors died and 73 were wounded. The Fuhrer intended to declare war on the Republicans but instead opted for the shelling of Almeria. At dawn on 31.5. the “Admiral Sheer” and the destroyers “Albatros”, “Leopard”, “Seeadler’, and “Luchs” shelled the town and harbor with 200 shells. A further submarine attack on the “Leipzig” further aggravated the already complicated situation.

It is unclear what Berlin intends to do, nevertheless Schiff 30 will continue the trade war against republican merchant ships. Sailing again on the 20th. Hartmann was to meet the 2 prizes at Treffpunkt “India” meeting them 2 days later the prisoners were placed aboard Prize VIII. After briefing the 2 Prize Offz. Kapitan.z.S Hartmann sailed away at midnight rounding the Island of Cyprus where the crew could relax before beginning the next phase of the operation. However, there was one convention which had been signed less than a year ago which would most likely derail Hartmann’s plans but worse yet in less than a month a new war would break out and see Schiff 30 return to a very familiar area of operations to protect German shipping and interests............
Schiff 30 drifting in the Mediterranean Sea
Sinking of the Spanish republican freighter “Agustin Mendi” 4.400 grt

fitzcarraldo 10-03-23 06:49 AM

Great shots, Jason. :Kaleun_Applaud::Kaleun_Applaud:

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

CPTLTJASON 10-22-23 08:55 PM

Schiff 30 continues to drift in the Aegean Sea. Haven’t been able to advance the game. Stay tuned for an update soon.

CPTLTJASON 10-22-23 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2886628)
Great shots, Jason. :Kaleun_Applaud::Kaleun_Applaud:

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Thank you! Glad you are enjoying the story of Schiff 30.

Zinmar 11-15-23 01:02 PM

A shame there isn't an actual way to model and play this in the game. It'd be interesting to sail around in an armed merchant taking prizes/passengers.

CPTLTJASON 01-20-24 11:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thank y’all for the nominations for Best of Subsim 2023 and enjoying the series on Schiff 30. I know i haven’t posted anything in a while no I haven’t stopped the war cruise of Schiff 30 and the storyline is in the works. I will have some new posts coming in the next couple months.

Greatly appreciate y’all!

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